Bankinter, S.A. announced earnings results for the year 2018. For the year, the company reported net profit of EUR 526 million, a 6% increase from a year ago. Net interest income increased by almost 6%. Net fee income was up by more than 6%, and other operating income grew by close to 13% in the year. Once more, due to the IFRS 9 implementation, most extraordinary revenues from recovered NPLs in Portugal recorded as NII in 2017 are now being accounted for under NPL provisions. This has had an significant positive impact on this line. The company have written the figures from 2017. Other operating income grew by 13% compared to last year due to the performance of its insurer, LDA, which offset the negative impact of the ever-increasing regulatory expenses included in this line from SRM, DGF, taxes on deposits, CNMV and so on. Gains of financial transactions remain low, adding only EUR 53 million to earnings, 14% less than in the previous year. In total, The company's gross operating income amounted to EUR 1.94 billion for the year, up 6.4% from 2017. This was with better quality as the weight from extraordinary revenues decreased further.