Corpbanca Administradora General de Fondos S.A agreed to acquire 100% stake in Itaú Administradora General de Fondos S.A. from Itaú CorpBanca (SNSE:ITAUCORP) and others on June 10, 2016. The Board of Director of Itaú CorpBanca unanimously approved the deal. The deal is subject to approval of Superintendency of Banks and Financial Institutions (SBIF) and shareholders of Itaú CorpBanca in an extraordinary shareholders’ meeting to be held June 30, 2016. On June 28, 2016, the SBIF authorized the request to merge the subsidiaries Corpbanca Administradora General de Fondos S.A. and Itaú Administradora General de Fondos S.A. In an extraordinary shareholders’ meeting of Itaú Chile Administradora General de Fondos S.A. held June 30, 2016, shareholders of Itaú CorpBanca. On July 22, 2016, the General Fund Regulations of Itaú Chile Administradora General de Fondos S.A. was amended in the Chilean Superintendency of Securities and Insurance registry. Corpbanca Administradora General de Fondos S.A cancelled the acquisition of 100% stake in Itaú Administradora General de Fondos S.A. from Itaú CorpBanca (SNSE:ITAUCORP) and others on January 26, 2017.