The Board of Directors of Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena has appointed Fabrizio Viola as General Manager. Mr Viola was born in Rome in 1958 and obtained a degree in Business Economics from Milan's Bocconi University. After serving as General Manager of Banca Popolare di Milano from September 2004 to September 2008, Mr. Viola was appointed CEO of Banca Popolare dell'Emilia Romagna, a position he held until he joined the Montepaschi Group. A member of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee of the Istituto Centrale delle Banche Popolari Italiane (Italy's Central Institution for Cooperative Banks) and ASAM, Associazione per gli Studi Aziendali e Manageriali (Association for Managerial and Business Studies) since 2005, Mr. Viola was later appointed Chairman of the Italian Corporate & Investment Banking Association, AICIB. In 2006 he was elected member of the Board of Directors of Milan's Trade Fair, Fiera Milano SpA. In the early part of his career, Mr. Viola worked for leading finance and consulting organisations to then enter the asset management industry, where he managed a number of world-class mutual investment funds. Among Mr. Viola's most important professional experiences was his joining the IMI Group in 1987, where he was in charge of the Italian Securities portfolio for Sige's consumer and institutional managed funds. In 1990, Mr. Viola joined the Fondiaria Group. In 1995, he entered the Banca Popolare di Milano (BPM) Group as Deputy General Manager and Head of Investments for BPM's fund management company Ges.Fi.Mi S.p.A., responsible for the BPM Group's asset management activity. After three years as Deputy General Manager of Banca Popolare di Vicenza, Mr. Viola returned to the BPM Group in 2001 as co-General Manager and member of the Board of Directors of asset manager Bipiemme Gestioni SGR, of which he was appointed Managing Director in 2002. In today's meeting, Monte dei Paschi's Board of Directors also formalised the departure of Antonio Vigni, Group General Manager for the last 6 years who, with his unfailing sense of commitment to the Company, expressed his willingness to consensually end his employment relationship while remaining available for future assignments. The Chairman and the Board of Directors thanked Mr. Vigni for the business objectives and results achieved by the Bank under his leadership since 2006, a period in which -against a particularly difficult economic backdrop- Monte dei Paschi di Siena has grown to become Italy's third largest banking group, profoundly transforming itself to establish a consistent footprint across the entire country.

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