Ballymore Resources Limited announced further outstanding results for the Day Dawn prospect, within the Ravenswood Project area. The Company has completed mapping of the prospect and highlighted a large zone of mineralised quartz veining over an area of 1,400m x 1,000m. A series of 0.2-2.0m veins have been mapped with examples of visible gold recognised in veins. Previous sampling by Ballymore in 2021 reported up 127.5 g/t Au, 708 g/t Ag & 2.83% Pb and rock chip sampling as part of the current mapping has reported up to 50.3 g/t Au, 7100 g/t Ag & 9.40% Pb at Day Dawn and 79.7 g/t Au & 35.6 g/t Ag at Old Man. In addition, an IP survey has been completed and defined potential extensions to mineralisation along strike and under shallow cover. Mapping of the area covering the Day Dawn ¡ Old Man ¡ Boatswain workings has been completed. These prospects host a series of pits and shafts in granodiorite and mapping has defined a large zone of mineralised quartz veining over an area of 1,400m x 1,000m. A series of 0.2 ¡ 2.0m veins have been mapped and generally dip moderately towards the northeast with examples of visible gold recognised in some veins. The only previous drilling in the area is 4 shallow RC holes for 180m, drilled by Aurora Gold in 1993, with the best result being 2m @ 0.49 g/t Au (DDRC002: 14 ¡ 16m). These holes were all drilled towards the northeast and appear to have missed the mapped lodes which have a similar orientation. As part of the mapping exercise, 33 rock chip samples were collected and have reported significant results. A total of 23 out of the 33 samples exceeded 1.0 g/t Au and 7 of those exceeded 10 g/t Au with a maximum result of 79.7 g/t Au 35.6 g/t Ag and 0.35% Pb (COR-299) for a sample of mullock collected
from the Old Man workings and 50.3 g/t Au, 7100 g/t Ag & 9.40% Pb (COR-305) for a sample of outcropping quartz vein from the Day Dawn area. Samples collected from the Day Dawn area typically have extremely elevated silver associated with the gold mineralisation. Eleven out of 21 samples collected from Day Dawn exceeded 100 g/t Ag and 6 samples exceeded 1000 g/t Ag. The Day Dawn area is recessive, with areas of limited outcrop, and is partially overlain by shallow transported alluvial cover and minor outcrops of sediments associated with the Cornishman Volcanics to the west. As a result, an Induced Polarisation ("IP") geophysics survey was conducted by Australian Geophysical Services Pty Ltd. to assist in mapping the lodes under cover and has defined potential extensions to mineralisation along strike. Eight lines of 50m dipole-dipole IP geophysical data were collected over the Day Dawn prospect in September for a total of 10.3 line-km. The data was of high quality and modelling of the IP data has demonstrated that mapped lodes correlate well with zones of low resistivity. The IP survey has been successful in delineating mapped zones of mineralisation in the Day Dawn area. The survey data has defined a number of resistivity `low' corridors directly correlated to the Day Dawn, Old Man and Boatswain lodes over 1.5km of prospective strike. The strike remains open to the northwest and southeast and these extensions remain untested by exploration drilling. The Day Dawn prospect is located 100 km south-southwest of Townsville and 25 km east-southeast of Charters Towers. Day Dawn hosts numerous historic pits and shafts and sits within the major east-northeast trending Mount Leyshon Corridor but has never been the subject of systematic modern exploration. Numerous gold occurrences and mines locally occur along this structure including Mount Wright gold mine (1,000,000 oz Au), Hadleigh Castle gold mine (350,000 oz Au) as well as the Disraeli, Joe's Delight, Robinson Crusoe gold mines and the Kirk Gold Field, which produced some 100,000 oz Au. Prospecting by Ballymore in 2020 recognised extensive quartz veining and scree in the Day Dawn area and subsequent prospecting and rock chip sampling from around the Day Dawn - Old Man mine areas, completed in 2021 by Ballymore confirmed the large scale potential of this newly identified mineralised zone with the recognition of a number of sets of quartz +/- carbonate veins with hematite infill and galena +/- chalcopyrite in altered granodiorite as well as brecciated, altered granodiorite. Out of 41 samples collected in 2021, 33 samples exceeded 1g/t Au and 17 samples exceeded 10 g/t Au with the best sample (COR-270) reporting 127.5 g/t Au, 708 ppm Ag and 2.83% Pb from an outcropping banded quartz vein with disseminated galena and scorodite. In addition, many samples reported anomalous lead and silver, with 8 samples exceeding 1000 g/t Ag and 23 samples exceeding 1.0% Pb. In addition, a soil sampling program was completed and defined a large 1,400m x 300m gold-lead anomaly in the Day Dawn - Old Man area. The Day Dawn area has only been tested by 4 shallow RC holes for 180m by Aurora Gold Limited in 1993 with the best result being 2m @ 0.49 g/t Au. The area remains poorly tested. Recent mapping suggests that the holes were drilled sub-parallel with the mineralised veins and has potentially failed to test the primary target. Ballymore has defined a large and robust anomaly hosting veins and stockwork mineralisation over an extensive area and in a highly prospective corridor. Vein-hosted deposits in this area have the potential to be significant deposits and include Charters Towers (6.6 Moz Au), Ravenswood (4.8 Moz Au) and Hadleigh Castle (0.3 Moz Au). The grades reported are extremely high grade with rock chip samples reporting up to 127.5 g/t Au and 7100 g/t Ag. Recent IP surveying has successfully detected the mapped
lodes and confirmed potential extensions to mineralisation under shallow cover along strike. Ballymore intends to follow up these encouraging results with a drilling program to test this significant new target which is hosted in a world class gold province. The Ravenswood Project is situated in the Charters Towers Province in northeast Queensland, approximately 20 ¡ 60 km south of Charters Towers. The Ravenswood Project contains numerous
prospects, historic drill intersections and geochemical anomalies located within the 17 Moz Charters Towers gold province, including the Seventy Mile Mount breccia pipe-hosted gold target. The Project consists of EPMs 18424, 18426, 18637, 25466 and 25467, which comprise a total of 96 sub-blocks and encompass an area of 309 km2. On the 31st October 2019, Ballymore Resources Limited entered into a farm-in agreement and joint venture with ActivEX Limited for the Ravenswood Project with Ballymore Resources Limited earning-in to the tenements. In August 2021 Ballymore earned its initial 51% stake in the project and subsequently acquired the project 100% from ActivEX on 18th November 2021.