Baidu Intelligent Vehicle, a division of Baidu, and BAIC Motor Corporation Ltd. jointly announced at the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) that they have formed a comprehensive strategic partnership to produce and promote advanced intelligent vehicle technology. Under the new strategic partnership, Baidu and BAIC will cooperate on two key projects: to launch car models in the first half of 2017 with telematics solutions provided by Baidu, and to road test the BAIC Level 3 autonomous driving car by the end of this year. According to the agreement, the companies will also explore broad cooperation in Level 3 autonomous driving technology including high definition (HD) maps and Learning Map, and Baidu will provide BAIC with intelligent vehicle OEM solutions including CarLife, CoDriver, and MapAuto. Baidu and BAIC will co-launch a research lab to promote technological collaboration and the mass application of intelligent vehicle technologies.