
IQ_ Company Narre/Scheme AGN/AR SN

1. Details of subslantlal holder (1) Name

AGN/ARSN (ir applicable)

Form 603

Corporations At 2001

Section 6718

Notice of initial substantial holder


The rolder hecarne a subst.ar.llal holder on I. I S I )),

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Z. Dotalls or vollng powor

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The llltalnumber of 1'0les attached 10 all the votlJ1!) sl10res In ttl! company or voting Interests in the scheme that the subsianllalholder or an associate (2) had a relevant Interest (3) inon lhe date the substartial holder became a substantial holder are as follows:

Classor securities (4)

Number of securities

Person's voles (5)

Voting power (6)

  1. Details or relevant interests

    The nature of the relevant Interest the substantial holder or an associate had In the followir,;i voting !.eeuritles on the date the substantial holder became a substantial holder are as follows:

    Holder of relevant Interest

    Nature of relevant Interest (7)

    Glass and number or sernrllles

  2. Details or present registered holders

    The perms registered as holders of the securities rererred to Inparagraph 3 allove are as follows:

    Holder of relevant interest

    Registered holder of securities

    Person entitled to be registered as oolder (B)

    Clas.s afll number of securities

  3. Consideration

    The consideration paid for each relevant Interest referred to in paragraph 3 above, and acquired In the four morths prior to the day that the substanllal holder became a substantial holder rsasfollows:

    Holder of relevant Interest

    Date of acquisition

    Consideration (9)

    Class and number of securities



  4. Associates

    The reasons the Jl!!rsons named In paragraph 3 above are associates of the substantial holder are as follows:

    Name and ACN/ARSN (IF ap!)llcable)

    Nature of association

  5. Addresses

The addresses ri persons narred inthis form are as follows:

Name Address



print narre



sign here date 191 01 I 2016


(1) IIt here are a nurnber of substant ia l IXJldms wi1h similar or related relevant ln!C!feslS (cg.a cor[)urntlon arid Its related corpom!lons, o r Iha manager a1 uustee of an equl y trust),llie names could be Included fn an annexure 10 the form. If the relevant lmeres1s or a grou!) of persons are essentially slmllar, Hey may Ile r .ferreo 10 llvoughout the form as a specltlcally name!) if the memhe1slIIJJ of each group, with the names and addres.ses of members Is clearly se1out In paragrapl 7 a( the fonn.

(2) See the definition of "associate" Insection 9 of the Corporations Act 2001.

(3) See the definition ot "relevant interest" in sections 608 and 6718(7) or the Corporations fl.t.t 2001

  1. The votlr.g shares of a company constitute one class unless divided Into separate classes.

  2. The total number of votes attached to all the votlngsllares In the COTl'4)anyor votlng lrl.erests in the scheme (If any) that the person or an associate has a relevant Interest In.

  3. The person's votes divided by the total votes Inthe body corporate or scheme multiplied by 100.

    (7J lncludedetalfsof:

    1. any reJewmt agreement or otw crrc11mstances by wl1lch the relevant iJ1lCICSl wasaaiulrcd. f subsection 6718(4) applies,a copy of any document setting out the terms of any relevant agreemenl,and a statement by the person glvl full and acairatc details of any contract. scheme or arrangemern,must accompany this fom1.together with a wrluen stalemem certifying this r.on1rnc1.sclleme or arrange111ent; arid

    2. any quallflcatlon oF the power of a person to exercise, control the exen:ise or. or Influence the exercise of, the voting powers or dlsposal of the securities to which the relevant interest relates (Indicating clearly the paltlcular securilies to whichthe qualiflcatlon applies).

    3. See the definition of ·relevant agreemer :Illseclion 9 of the Colporatlons Act 2001.

      ( If the substantlal holder is unable to determine till Identity or the person ( eg. If till relevant lrl.erest arr.;es because of an option) write "unknown".

      (9) Details of the consideration must 1r.:111r1e any arxl allbeneOts. moneyand other. that any person rromwhoma releva11,Interest wa.sacqulred has. or may,become

      en1!1led to receive In relatron to that acqulslllo11. Details must be Included even II the befleflt js cor'Klltloral oo the happening or not of a contingency. Details must be Included of any benefit paid on behalf of the S1Jbstantlal holder or its associate In relat lon to the _acqulslllons.everr IF they are not pa id dfrcct ly to till person rrom whom the relevant lnteresl was acquired.

    Asian American Medical Group Limited issued this content on 2016-01-21 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 2016-01-22 02:54:13 UTC

    Original Document: https://www.aamg.co/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/603-Dr-KC-Tan.pdf