The following discussion should be read in conjunction with the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements and the accompanying Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements herein.


Ashland profile

Ashland is a premier global leader in providing specialty materials to customers
in a wide range of consumer and industrial markets, including adhesives,
architectural coatings, construction, energy, food and beverage, personal care
and pharmaceutical. With approximately 4,700 employees worldwide, Ashland serves
customers in more than 100 countries.

Ashland's sales generated outside of North America were 60% each for the three
months ended December 31, 2019 and 2018. Sales by region expressed as a
percentage of total consolidated sales for the three months ended December 31
were as follows:

                           Three months ended
                               December 31
Sales by Geography           2019            2018
North America (a)              40 %            40 %
Europe                         31 %            31 %
Asia Pacific                   21 %            21 %
Latin America & other           8 %             8 %
                              100 %           100 %

(a) Ashland includes only U.S. and Canada in its North America designation.

Reportable segments

Ashland's businesses are managed within the following two reportable segments:
Specialty Ingredients and Intermediates and Solvents. For further descriptions
of each reportable segment, see "Results of Operations - Reportable Segment
Review" beginning on page 43.

The contribution to sales by each reportable segment expressed as a percentage
of total consolidated sales for the three months ended December 31 were as

                                 Three months ended
                                     December 31
Sales by Reportable Segment        2019            2018
Specialty Ingredients                95 %            96 %
Intermediates and Solvents            5 %             4 %
                                    100 %           100 %




Business results

Ashland recorded net income of $32 million in the current quarter compared to a
net loss of $48 million in the prior year quarter. Ashland's Adjusted EBITDA
decreased by 12% to $88 million (see U.S. GAAP reconciliation below under
consolidated review). The decrease in Adjusted EBITDA was primarily due to lower
sales volumes within the Specialty Ingredients reportable segment and a catalyst
changeover at the Intermediates and Solvents Lima facility resulting in
additional turnaround spend and lost absorption during the current quarter.
These items were partially offset by lower selling, general and administrative
expenses as a result of the current company-wide cost reduction program and
improved pricing versus changes in raw material costs.

Composites segment and Marl facility

On November 15, 2018, Ashland announced that it had signed a definitive
agreement to sell its Composites segment and Intermediates and Solvents Marl
facility to INEOS Enterprises in a transaction valued at $1.1 billion. Ashland
retained the remaining Intermediates and Solvents facility in Lima, Ohio
primarily for its own internal business use.

In late July of 2019, Ashland and INEOS agreed to certain additional changes to the sale agreement. As part of the proposed changes, the purchase price was adjusted to $1.015 billion while Ashland retained the right to the Maleic business, including the retention of any subsequent sale proceeds.

On August 30, 2019 Ashland completed the previously announced sale of its Composites business (excluding the Maleic business) and butanediol manufacturing facility in Marl, Germany to INEOS.

Since this disposal group signifies a strategic shift in Ashland's business and
had a major effect on Ashland's operations and financial results, the operating
results and cash flows related to Composites and the Marl facility, including
the Maleic business, have been reflected as discontinued operations in the
Statements of Consolidated Comprehensive Income (Loss) and Statements of
Consolidated Cash Flows. See Note C of the Notes to Condensed Consolidated
Financial Statements for the results of operations for Composites and the Marl
facility, including the Maleic business, for all periods presented.

Certain indirect corporate costs included within the selling, general and
administrative expense caption of the Statements of Consolidated Comprehensive
Income (Loss) that were previously allocated to the Composites segment and Marl
facility do not qualify for classification within discontinued operations and
are now reported as selling, general and administrative expense within
continuing operations on a consolidated basis and within the Unallocated and
other segment. These costs were zero and $12 million during the three months
ended December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively.

Subsequent to the completion of the sale, Ashland is providing certain transition services to INEOS for a fee. While the transition services are expected to vary in duration depending upon the type of service provided, Ashland expects to reduce costs as the transition services are completed. Ashland recognized transition service fee income of $3 million during the three month period ending December 31, 2019.

Restructuring Plans

In early May 2018, Ashland announced a company-wide restructuring program to
accelerate EBITDA margin growth by creating a leaner, more cost competitive
company with improved operating efficiency, faster decision making and a
stronger customer focus. Under this program, Ashland intended to eliminate a
total of $120 million of existing allocated costs, direct expenses within
Specialty Ingredients SG&A, and facility-related costs as follows:

• Approximately $70 million of costs allocated to the Composites business

      and to the butanediol manufacturing facility in Marl, Germany, are
      expected to be offset or eliminated through transfers and reductions. This
      reduction is intended to eliminate stranded costs.

• Approximately $50 million of additional costs to be eliminated to drive

      improved profitability in Specialty Ingredients and adjusted EBITDA

Ashland achieved the full $120 million in run-rate savings by December 31, 2019 meeting this programs objectives.




Use of non-GAAP measures

Ashland has included within this document the following non-GAAP measures, on
both a consolidated and reportable segment basis, which are not defined within
U.S. GAAP and do not purport to be alternatives to net income or cash flows from
operating activities as a measure of operating performance or cash flows:

   •  EBITDA - net income (loss), plus income tax expense (benefit), net
      interest and other expenses, and depreciation and amortization.

   •  Adjusted EBITDA - EBITDA adjusted for noncontrolling interests,
      discontinued operations, net income (loss) on acquisitions and
      divestitures, other income and (expense) and key items (including the

remeasurement gains and losses related to pension and other postretirement


  • Adjusted EBITDA margin - Adjusted EBITDA divided by sales.

• Adjusted diluted earnings per share (EPS) - income (loss) from continuing

operations, adjusted for key items, net of tax, divided by the average

      outstanding diluted shares for the applicable period.

   •  Free cash flow - operating cash flows less capital expenditures and
      certain other adjustments as applicable.

Management believes the use of EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA measures on a
consolidated and reportable segment basis assists investors in understanding the
ongoing operating performance by presenting comparable financial results between
periods. Ashland believes that by removing the impact of depreciation and
amortization and excluding certain non-cash charges, amounts spent on interest
and taxes and certain other charges that are highly variable from year to year,
EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA provide Ashland's investors with performance measures
that reflect the impact to operations from trends in changes in sales, margin
and operating expenses, providing a perspective not immediately apparent from
net income and operating income. The adjustments Ashland makes to derive the
non-GAAP measures of EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA exclude items which may cause
short-term fluctuations in net income and operating income and which Ashland
does not consider to be the fundamental attributes or primary drivers of its
business. EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA provide disclosure on the same basis as
that used by Ashland's management to evaluate financial performance on a
consolidated and reportable segment basis and provide consistency in our
financial reporting, facilitate internal and external comparisons of Ashland's
historical operating performance and its business units and provide continuity
to investors for comparability purposes.

The Adjusted diluted EPS metric enables Ashland to demonstrate what effect key
items have on an earnings per diluted share basis by taking income (loss) from
continuing operations, adjusted for key items after tax that have been
identified in the Adjusted EBITDA table, and dividing by the average outstanding
diluted shares for the applicable period. Ashland's management believes this
presentation is helpful to illustrate how the key items have impacted this
metric during the applicable period.

The free cash flow metric enables Ashland to provide a better indication of the
ongoing cash being generated that is ultimately available for both debt and
equity holders as well as other investment opportunities. Unlike cash flow
provided by operating activities, free cash flow includes the impact of capital
expenditures from continuing operations, providing a more complete picture of
cash generation. Free cash flow has certain limitations, including that it does
not reflect adjustment for certain non-discretionary cash flows such as
mandatory debt repayments. The amount of mandatory versus discretionary
expenditures can vary significantly between periods.

Although Ashland may provide forward-looking guidance for Adjusted EBITDA,
Adjusted diluted EPS and free cash flow, Ashland is not reaffirming or providing
forward-looking guidance for U.S. GAAP-reported financial measures or a
reconciliation of forward-looking non-GAAP financial measures to the most
directly comparable U.S. GAAP measure because it is unable to predict with
reasonable certainty the ultimate outcome of certain significant items that
affect these metrics such as domestic and international economic, political,
legislative, regulatory and legal actions. In addition, certain economic
conditions, such as recessionary trends, inflation, interest and monetary
exchange rates, government fiscal policies and changes in the prices of certain
key raw materials, can have a significant effect on operations and are difficult
to predict with certainty.



These non-GAAP measures should be considered supplemental in nature and should
not be construed as more significant than comparable measures defined by U.S.
GAAP. Limitations associated with the use of these non-GAAP measures include
that these measures do not present all of the amounts associated with our
results as determined in accordance with U.S. GAAP. The non-GAAP measures
provided are used by Ashland management and may not be determined in a manner
consistent with the methodologies used by other companies. EBITDA and Adjusted
EBITDA provide a supplemental presentation of Ashland's operating performance on
a consolidated and reportable segment basis. Adjusted EBITDA generally includes
adjustments for items that impact comparability between periods. In addition,
certain financial covenants related to Ashland's 2017 Credit Agreement are based
on similar non-GAAP measures and are defined further in the sections that refer
to this metric.

Consolidated review

Net income

Ashland's net income is primarily affected by results within operating income,
net interest and other expense, income taxes, discontinued operations and other
significant events or transactions that are unusual or nonrecurring.

Key financial results for the three months ended December 31, 2019 and 2018 included the following:

Ashland's net income amounted to $32 million compared to a loss of $48
      million for the three months ended December 31, 2019 and 2018,
      respectively, or income of $0.53 and a loss of $0.76 diluted earnings per
      share, respectively.

• Discontinued operations, which are reported net of taxes, resulted in a

loss of $2 million and income of $23 million during the three months ended

December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively.

   •  Results from continuing operations, which excludes results from

      discontinued operations, amounted to income of $34 million and a loss of
      $71 million for the three months ended December 31, 2019 and 2018,

• The effective income tax rates were a benefit of 240% and expense of 51%

      for the three months ended December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively, and
      were significantly impacted by certain tax discrete items in both the
      current and prior year quarters.

Ashland incurred pretax net interest and other expense of $10 million and

$55 million for the three months ended December 31, 2019 and 2018,

respectively. This includes gains of $9 million and losses of $30 million

for gains/losses on restricted investments.

• Other net periodic benefit income of $18 million for the three months

ended December 31, 2018.

• Net income/loss on divestitures totaled income of $3 million and a loss of

$3 million for the three months ended December 31, 2019 and 2018,

• Operating (loss) income amounted to an income of $17 million and a loss of

$7 million for the three months ended December 31, 2019 and 2018,


For further information on the items reported above, see the discussion in the comparative Statements of Consolidated Comprehensive Income (Loss) caption review analysis.

Operating income

Operating income (loss) amounted to an income of $17 million and a loss of $7
million for the three months ended December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively. The
current and prior year quarters' operating income included certain key items
that were excluded to arrive at Adjusted EBITDA and are quantified in the table
below. These operating key items for the applicable periods are summarized as

• Restructuring, separation and other costs - Ashland periodically

implements company-wide cost reduction programs related to acquisitions,

divestitures and other cost reduction programs in order to enhance

profitability through streamlined operations and an improved overall cost

structure. Ashland often incurs severance, facility and integration costs

      associated with these programs.



• Accelerated depreciation - As a result of various restructuring activities

at certain office facilities and manufacturing facilities during the prior

year quarter, Ashland recorded accelerated depreciation due to changes in

the expected useful life of certain property, plant and equipment.

Operating income for the three months ended December 31, 2019 and 2018 included
depreciation and amortization of $61 million and $62 million, respectively
(which excluded accelerated depreciation and amortization of $19 million for the
three months ended 2018).

Non-operating key items affecting EBITDA

• Gain on pension and other postretirement plan remeasurements - Ashland

      recognized a remeasurement gain due to the settlement of a non-U.S.
      pension plan during the prior year quarter. See Note K of the Notes to
      Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for more information.

• Net income (loss) on divestitures - Ashland recorded a loss related to the

impairment of an investment in the prior year quarter.

EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA

EBITDA totaled $79 million and $93 million for the three months ended December
31, 2019 and 2018, respectively. EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA results in the table
below have been prepared to illustrate the ongoing effects of Ashland's
operations, which exclude certain key items previously described. Management
believes the use of such non-GAAP measures on a consolidated and reportable
segment basis assists investors in understanding the ongoing operating
performance by presenting the financial results between periods on a more
comparable basis.

                                                           Three months ended
                                                               December 31
(In millions)                                                2019                    2018
Net income (loss)                               $              32       $             (48 )
Income tax expense (benefit)                                  (24 )                    24
Net interest and other expense                                 10                      55
Depreciation and amortization (a)                              61                      62
EBITDA                                                         79                      93
Loss (income) from discontinued operations
(net of tax)                                                    2                     (23 )
Key items included in EBITDA:
Restructuring, separation and other costs                       7                      26
Accelerated depreciation                                        -                      19
Gain on pension and other postretirement plan
remeasurements                                                  -                     (18 )
Net loss on divestitures                                        -                       3
Total key items included in EBITDA                              7                      30
Adjusted EBITDA                                 $              88       $   


Total key items included in EBITDA              $               7       $              30
Unrealized (gain) loss on securities (b)                       (9 )                    30
Total key items, before tax                     $              (2 )     $              60

(a) Excludes $19 million of accelerated depreciation for the three months

ended December 31, 2018.

(b) Due to the adoption of new accounting guidance in the prior year quarter,

the unrealized losses on certain investment securities directly impact

       earnings and are recorded within the net interest and other expense
       caption on the Statements of Consolidated Comprehensive Income
       (Loss). See Note E of the Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial
       Statements for more information.



Diluted EPS and Adjusted Diluted EPS

The following table reflects the U.S. GAAP calculation for the income (loss)
from continuing operations adjusted for the cumulative diluted EPS effect for
key items after tax that have been identified in the Adjusted EBITDA table in
the previous section. Key items are defined as the financial effects from
significant transactions that may have caused short-term fluctuations in net
income and/or operating income which Ashland believes do not accurately reflect
Ashland's underlying business performance and trends. The Adjusted diluted EPS
for the income (loss) from continuing operations in the following table has been
prepared to illustrate the ongoing effects of Ashland's operations. Management
believes investors and analysts use this financial measure in assessing
Ashland's business performance and that presenting this non-GAAP measure on a
consolidated basis assists investors in better understanding Ashland's ongoing
business performance and enhances their ability to compare period-to-period
financial results.

                                                          Three months ended
                                                              December 31
                                                             2019                  2018
Diluted EPS from continuing operations (as
reported)                                       $            0.56      $          (1.14 )
Key items, before tax:
Restructuring, separation and other costs                    0.12           


Gain on pension and other postretirement plan
remeasurements                                                  -                 (0.29 )
Unrealized (gain) loss on securities                        (0.15 )                0.47
Net loss on divestitures                                        -                  0.05
Key items, before tax                                       (0.03 )                0.94
Tax effect of key items (a)                                  0.02                 (0.11 )
Key items, after tax                                        (0.01 )                0.83
Tax specific key items:
Deferred tax rate changes                                       -                  0.03
One-time transition tax                                         -                  0.35
Restructuring and separation activity                           -                  0.02
Other tax reform                                            (0.42 )                0.05
Tax specific key items (b)                                  (0.42 )                0.45
Total key items                                             (0.43 )                1.28
Adjusted diluted EPS from continuing
operations (non-GAAP)                           $            0.13      $           0.14

(a) Represents the diluted EPS impact from the tax effect of the key items

       that are previously identified above.

   (b) Represents the diluted EPS impact from tax specific financial
       transactions, tax law changes or other matters that fall within the

definition of key items. For additional explanation of these tax specific

       key items, see the income tax expense (benefit) discussion within the
       following caption review section.

Statements of Consolidated Comprehensive Income (Loss) - caption review

A comparative analysis of the Statements of Consolidated Comprehensive Income
(Loss) by caption is provided as follows for the three months ended December 31,
2019 and 2018.

                     Three months ended December 31
(In millions)        2019            2018          Change
Sales           $     533       $     576       $     (43 )

The following table provides a reconciliation of the change in sales between the three months ended December 31, 2019 and 2018.

                       Three months ended
(In millions)           December 31, 2019
Volume/product mix   $                (28 )
Plant realignment                      (7 )
Currency exchange                      (4 )
Pricing                                (4 )
Change in sales      $                (43 )



Sales for the current quarter decreased $43 million compared to the prior year
quarter. Lower volume, the impact of plant realignments, unfavorable foreign
currency exchange and lower pricing each decreased sales by $28 million, $7
million $4 million and $4 million, respectively.

                                           Three months ended December 31
(In millions)                              2019             2018         Change
Cost of sales                        $      380       $      424       $    (44 )
Gross profit as a percent of sales         28.7 %           26.4 %

Fluctuations in cost of sales are driven primarily by raw material prices,
volume and changes in product mix, currency exchange, acquisitions and
divestitures and other certain charges incurred as a result of changes or events
within the businesses or restructuring activities. The following table provides
a quantified reconciliation of the changes in cost of sales between the three
months ended December 31, 2019 and 2018.

                                      Three months ended
(In millions)                          December 31, 2019
Changes in:
Plant closure costs                 $                (34 )
Volume/product mix                                   (11 )
Currency exchange                                     (2 )
Production and raw material costs                      3
Change in cost of sales             $                (44 )

Cost of sales for the current quarter decreased $44 million compared to the
prior year quarter. The closure of a manufacturing facility during the prior
year quarter, unfavorable volume and favorable currency exchange decreased cost
of sales by $34 million, $11 million and $2 million, respectively. These
decreases were partially offset by higher production and raw material costs
which increased cost of sales by $3.

                                                    Three months ended December 31
(In millions)                                       2019             2018         Change

Selling, general and administrative expense $ 120 $ 143

    $    (23 )
As a percent of sales                               22.5 %           24.8 %

Selling, general and administrative expense for the current quarter decreased
$23 million compared to the prior year quarter driving expenses as a percent of
sales favorable compared to the prior year quarter. Key drivers of the
fluctuation in selling, general and administrative expense compared to the prior
year quarter were:

$10 million of lower operating costs compared to the prior year quarter,

primarily due to the overall company-wide cost reduction program.

$7 million and $18 million of key items for restructuring, separation and

other costs during the current and prior year quarters, respectively.

$2 million of favorable foreign currency exchange compared to the prior
      year quarter.

                                         Three months ended December 31
(In millions)                           2019              2018          Change

Research and development expense $ 16 $ 17 $ (1 )



Research and development expense declined compared to the prior year quarter, primarily due to the overall company-wide cost reduction program.

                                Three months ended December 31
(In millions)                2019            2018             Change
Equity and other income
Equity income (a)         $     -         $     -         $        -
Other income                    -               1                 (1 )
                          $     -         $     1         $       (1 )

  (a) Activity of $0 denotes value less than $1 million.

Equity and other income remained relatively consistent compared to the prior
year quarter.

                                                Three months ended December 31
(In millions)                                    2019          2018          Change
Net interest and other expense (income)
Interest expense                            $      23       $    27       $      (4 )
Interest income                                    (1 )          (1 )       


Loss (income) from restricted investments (13 ) 28

    (41 )
Other financing costs                               1             1               -
                                            $      10       $    55       $     (45 )

Net interest and other financing expense decreased by $45 million during the
current quarter compared to the prior year quarter. The decrease is primarily
due to the impact of restricted investments, which generated income of $13
million in the current quarter compared to losses of $28 million in the prior
year quarter. Interest expense decreased $4 million due to lower debt levels
during the current quarter compared to the prior year quarter.

                                          Three months ended December 31
(In millions)                          2019              2018           Change

Other net periodic benefit income $ - $ 18 $ (18 )

Other net periodic benefit income during the prior year quarter related to the curtailment gain from the settlement of a non-U.S. pension plan.

                                          Three months ended December 31
(In millions)                          2019               2018          Change

Net income (loss) on divestitures $ 3 $ (3 ) $


The activity in the current quarter was related to post-closing adjustments for
certain divestitures, while activity in the prior year quarter related to the
impairment of an investment.

                                     Three months ended December 31
(In millions)                         2019            2018         Change
Income tax expense (benefit)   $       (24 )       $    24       $    (48 )
Effective tax rate                    (240 )%           51 %

Ashland's effective tax rate in any interim period is subject to adjustments
related to discrete items and the mix of domestic and foreign operating
results. The overall effective tax rate was negative 240% for the three months
ended December 31, 2019 and was primarily impacted by income mix, certain
nondeductible restructuring costs as well as $27 million from favorable tax
discrete items primarily from the tax benefit related to the Swiss Tax Reform
enacted in the current quarter.



The overall effective tax rate was 51% for the three months ended December 31,
2018 and was primarily impacted by the prior year quarter income mix and net
unfavorable tax discrete adjustments of $30 million related to the enactment of
the US Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (Tax Act).

Adjusted income tax expense (benefit)

Key items are defined as the financial effects from significant transactions
that may have caused short-term fluctuations in net income and/or operating
income which Ashland believes do not accurately reflect Ashland's underlying
business performance and trends. Tax specific key items are defined as the
financial effects from tax specific financial transactions, tax law changes or
other matters that fall within the definition of key items as previously
described. The effective tax rate, excluding key items, which is a non-GAAP
measure, has been prepared to illustrate the ongoing tax effects of Ashland's
operations. Management believes investors and analysts use this financial
measure in assessing Ashland's business performance and that presenting this
non-GAAP measure on a consolidated basis assists investors in better
understanding Ashland's ongoing business performance and enhancing their ability
to compare period-to-period financial results.

The effective tax rate during the three months ended December 31, 2019 and 2018 was significantly impacted by the following tax specific key items:

• Deferred tax rate changes - Includes the impact from the remeasurement of

Ashland's domestic deferred tax balances resulting from the enactment of

the Tax Act as well as the impact from deferred rate changes for other


• One-time transition tax - Includes the impact from the one-time transition

      tax resulting from the enactment of the Tax Act;

   •  Restructuring and separation activity - Includes the impact from
      company-wide cost reduction programs; and

• Other tax reform - Includes the impact from other items related to the Tax

Act and other tax law changes including Swiss Tax Reform. The Swiss Tax

Reform benefit is an estimate based on ten year income projections and is

subject to approval by the Swiss tax authorities. Ashland will monitor

this amount and make adjustments as appropriate in future periods. These

adjustments also include the impact from the deductibility of compensation

items and miscellaneous state tax items.

The following table is a calculation of the effective tax rate, excluding these
key items.

                                                            Three months ended
                                                                December 31
(In millions)                                                 2019            2018

Loss from continuing operations before income taxes $ 10 $

    (47 )
Key items (pre-tax) (a)                                         (2 )        


Adjusted income from continuing operations
before income taxes                                      $       8       $      13

Income tax expense (benefit)                             $     (24 )     $      24
Income tax rate adjustments:
Tax effect of key items                                         (1 )             8
Tax specific key items: (b)
Deferred tax rate changes                                        -              (2 )
One-time transition tax                                          -             (22 )
Restructuring and separation activity                            -              (1 )
Other tax reform                                                25              (3 )
Total income tax rate adjustments                               24             (20 )
Adjusted income tax expense                              $       -       $  


Effective tax rate, excluding key items (Non-GAAP) (c)           3 %            29 %

   (a) See Adjusted EBITDA reconciliation table previously disclosed in this
       MD&A for a summary of the key items, before tax.



(b) For additional information on the effect that these tax specific key

items had on EPS, see the Adjusted Diluted EPS table previously disclosed

in this MD&A.

(c) Due to rounding conventions, the effective tax rate presented may not

       recalculate precisely based on the numbers disclosed within this table.

                                 Three months ended December 31
(In millions)                   2019              2018         Change
Income (loss) from discontinued operation (net of taxes)
Composites/Marl facility   $       -         $      25       $    (25 )
Valvoline                         (1 )               -             (1 )
Water Technologies                (1 )              (1 )            -
Distribution                       -                (1 )            1
                           $      (2 )       $      23       $    (25 )

As a result of the divestiture of the Composites segment and Marl facility, the
related operating results have been reflected as discontinued operations (net of
tax) within the Statements of Consolidated Comprehensive Income (Loss). See Note
B for more information on this divestiture. In the current quarter, for the
Maleic business component of the Composites business not sold to INEOS, the
sales and pre-tax operating income included in discontinued operations were $12
million and $2 million, respectively. In the prior year quarter, the sales and
pre-tax operating income included in discontinued operations were $275 million
and $36 million, respectively. The prior year quarter was primarily attributable
to the operations of the Composites segment and the Marl facility sold to INEOS
during August 2019.

The activity related to Water Technologies, Valvoline and Distribution was related to post-closing adjustments.

Other comprehensive income (loss)

A comparative analysis of the components of other comprehensive income (loss) is provided below for the three months ended December 31, 2019 and 2018.

                                                             Three months ended December 31
(In millions)                                              2019                 2018            Change
Other comprehensive income (loss) (net of taxes)
Unrealized translation gain (loss)                 $         38         $        (31 )     $        69
Pension and postretirement obligation adjustment              -                   (6 )               6
                                                   $         38         $        (37 )     $        75

Total other comprehensive income, net of tax, for the current quarter increased $75 million compared to the prior year quarter as a result of the following components:

• For the three months ended December 31, 2019, the change in unrealized

gain (loss) from foreign currency translation adjustments resulted in a

gain of $38 million compared to a loss of $31 million for the three months

ended December 31, 2018. The fluctuations in unrealized translation gains

and losses are primarily due to translating foreign subsidiary financial

      statements from local currencies to U.S. Dollars.

   •  For the three months ended December 31, 2018, the pension and

postretirement obligation adjustment included $6 million of prior service

costs recognized within other comprehensive income (loss) due to pension

plan remeasurements.


Ashland's operations are managed within the following two reportable segments: Specialty Ingredients and Intermediates and Solvents.

Results of Ashland's reportable segments are presented based on its management
and internal accounting structure. The structure is specific to Ashland;
therefore, the financial results of Ashland's reportable segments are not
necessarily comparable with similar information for other companies. Ashland
allocates all significant costs to its reportable segments except for certain
significant company-wide restructuring activities and other costs or adjustments
that relate to former businesses that Ashland no longer operates. The service



component of pension and other postretirement benefits costs is allocated to
each reportable segment on a ratable basis; while the remaining components of
pension and other postretirement benefits costs are recorded within the other
net periodic benefit income caption on the Statements of Consolidated
Comprehensive Income (Loss). Ashland refines its expense allocation
methodologies to the reportable segments from time to time as internal
accounting practices are improved, more refined information becomes available
and the industry or market changes. Significant revisions to Ashland's
methodologies are adjusted for all segments on a retrospective basis.

Beginning in the second quarter of fiscal 2020, Ashland will change the manner
in which it manages the business, moving from a functionally led to a business
led organization. This change recognizes that Ashland has a diverse portfolio of
businesses with different value propositions for the markets Ashland serves. The
organizational change will allow Ashland to align its business models, resources
and cost structure to the specific needs of each business and enable greater
ownership and accountability for both short- and long-term performance. Ashland
will realign its segment reporting structure commensurate with this
organizational change.

The EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA amounts presented within this business section
are provided as a means to enhance the understanding of financial measurements
that Ashland has internally determined to be relevant measures of comparison for
each segment. Each of these non-GAAP measures is defined as follows: EBITDA
(operating income (loss) plus depreciation and amortization), Adjusted EBITDA
(EBITDA adjusted for key items, which may include pro forma effects for
significant acquisitions or divestitures, as applicable), and Adjusted EBITDA
margin (Adjusted EBITDA, which may include pro forma adjustments, divided by
sales or sales adjusted for pro forma results). Ashland does not allocate items
to each reportable segment below operating income, such as interest expense and
income taxes. As a result, reportable segment EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA are
reconciled directly to operating income since it is the most directly comparable
caption to the Statements of Consolidated Comprehensive Income (Loss).

The following table discloses sales, operating income, depreciation and amortization and statistical operating information by reportable segment for the three months ended December 31, 2019 and 2018.

                                           Three months ended
                                               December 31
(In millions)                                  2019         2018
Specialty Ingredients                    $      505       $  553
Intermediates and Solvents                       28           23
                                         $      533       $  576
Operating income (loss)
Specialty Ingredients                    $       44       $   26
Intermediates and Solvents                      (12 )          -
Unallocated and other                           (15 )        (33 )
                                         $       17       $   (7 )
Depreciation and amortization
Specialty Ingredients                    $       58       $   77
Intermediates and Solvents                        3            3
Unallocated and other                             -            1
                                         $       61       $   81
Operating information
Specialty Ingredients
Sales per shipping day                   $      7.7       $  8.9
Metric tons sold (thousands)                   67.2         72.8

Gross profit as a percent of sales (a) 32.2 % 27.1 % Intermediates and Solvents Sales per shipping day

$      0.4       $  0.4
Metric tons sold (thousands)                    9.9          6.8

Gross profit as a percent of sales (a) (35.6 )% 10.0 %



(a) Gross profit is defined as sales, less cost of sales divided by sales.

Sales by region expressed as a percentage of reportable segment sales for the
three months ended December 31, 2019 and 2018 were as follows. Ashland includes
only U.S. and Canada in its North American designation.

                           Three months ended December 31, 2019
                               Specialty              Intermediates
Sales by Geography           Ingredients               and Solvents
North America                         39 %                       53 %
Europe                                32 %                       19 %
Asia Pacific                          20 %                       24 %
Latin America & other                  9 %                        4 %
                                     100 %                      100 %

                           Three months ended December 31, 2018
                               Specialty              Intermediates
Sales by Geography           Ingredients               and Solvents
North America                         40 %                       50 %
Europe                                31 %                       21 %
Asia Pacific                          21 %                       26 %
Latin America & other                  8 %                        3 %
                                     100 %                      100 %

Specialty Ingredients

Specialty Ingredients offers industry-leading products, technologies and
resources for solving formulation and product-performance challenges. Using
natural, synthetic and semisynthetic polymers derived from cellulose ethers,
vinyl pyrrolidones, acrylic polymers, polyester and polyurethane-based
adhesives, and plant and seed extract, Specialty Ingredients offers
comprehensive and innovative solutions for consumer and industrial applications.
Key customers include pharmaceutical companies; makers of personal care
products, food and beverages manufacturers; makers of nutraceuticals and
supplements; manufacturers of paint, coatings and construction materials;
packaging and converting; and oilfield service companies.

December 2019 quarter compared to December 2018 quarter

Specialty Ingredients' sales decreased $48 million to $505 million in the current quarter. Lower volume and mix, the impact of plant realignments, unfavorable currency exchange and lower pricing decreased sales by $35 million, $7 million, $4 million and $2 million, respectively.

Gross profit during the current quarter increased $12 million compared to the
prior year quarter. The net impact of pricing and costs increased gross profit
by $32 million, which included $26 million for the impact of the planned closure
of a manufacturing facility during the prior year quarter (which included $19
million of accelerated depreciation and amortization).

Additionally, unfavorable foreign currency exchange and lower volume decreased
gross profit by $2 million and $16 million, respectively. In total, gross profit
margin during the current quarter increased 5.1 percentage points as compared to
the prior year quarter to 32.2%.

Selling, general and administrative expenses (which include research and
development expenses throughout the reportable segment discussion and analysis)
decreased $5 million compared to the prior year quarter due to lower operating
costs and favorable foreign currency exchange, which represented $4 million and
$1 million of the total decrease, respectively.  Equity and other income
increased $1 million compared to the prior year quarter.

Operating income totaled $44 million for the current quarter compared to $26
million in the prior year quarter. Current quarter EBITDA increased $18 million
to $102 million, while Adjusted EBITDA decreased $10 million to $102 million.
Adjusted EBITDA margin decreased 0.1 percentage points in the current quarter to



EBITDA and adjusted EBITDA reconciliation

The following EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA presentation for the three months ended
December 31, 2019 and 2018 below is provided as a means to enhance the
understanding of financial measurements that Ashland has internally determined
to be relevant measures of comparison for the results of Specialty
Ingredients. Adjusted EBITDA results have been prepared to illustrate the
ongoing effects of Ashland's operations, which exclude certain key items. The
key items within the prior year quarter related to $28 million of restructuring
costs associated with the planned closure of a manufacturing facility (which
included $19 million of accelerated depreciation).

                                             Three months ended
                                                 December 31
(In millions)                                  2019            2018
Operating income                          $      44       $      26
Depreciation and amortization (a)                58              58
EBITDA                                          102              84
Accelerated depreciation                          -              19
Severance and other restructuring costs           -               9
Adjusted EBITDA                           $     102       $     112

(a) Excludes $19 million of accelerated depreciation for the three months

ended December 31, 2018.

Intermediates and Solvents

Intermediates and Solvents is a leading producer of 1,4 butanediol and related
derivatives, including tetrahydrofuran and n-methylpyrrolidone. These products
are used as chemical intermediates in the production of engineering polymers and
polyurethanes, and as specialty process solvents in a wide array of applications
including electronics, pharmaceuticals, water filtration membranes and more.
Butanediol is also supplied to Ashland's Specialty Ingredients business for use
as a raw material.

December 2019 quarter compared to December 2018 quarter

Intermediates and Solvents' sales increased $5 million to $28 million in the current quarter. Volume increased sales by $7 million, while lower pricing decreased sales by $2 million.

Gross profit decreased $12 million during the current quarter compared to the
prior year quarter primarily due to a $10 million decrease for increased
production costs, primarily driven by the Lima facility changeover resulting in
additional turnaround spend and absorption lost during the current quarter, and
a $2 million reduction for lower pricing. Gross profit margin decreased 45.6
percentage points as compared to the prior year quarter to (35.6)%.

Selling, general and administrative expenses remained consisted with the prior year quarter.

Operating income was a loss of $12 million in the current quarter compared to
zero in the prior year quarter. EBITDA decreased $12 million to a loss of $9
million in the current quarter, while EBITDA margin decreased 45.1 percentage
points in the current quarter to (32.1)%.

EBITDA reconciliation

The following EBITDA presentation for the three months ended December 31, 2019
and 2018 is provided as a means to enhance the understanding of financial
measurements that Ashland has internally determined to be relevant measures of
comparison for the results of Intermediates and Solvents. There were no unusual
or key items that affected comparability for EBITDA during the current and prior
year quarters or periods.

                                   Three months ended
                                       December 31
(In millions)                          2019          2018
Operating income                $       (12 )       $   -
Depreciation and amortization             3             3
EBITDA                          $        (9 )       $   3



Unallocated and other

The following table summarizes the key components of the Unallocated and other
segment's operating income (loss) for the three months ended December 31, 2019
and 2018.

                                                Three months ended
                                                    December 31
(In millions)                                     2019            2018
Restructuring activities                     $      (7 )     $     (29 )
Environmental expenses                              (3 )            (2 )
Other expenses (primarily legacy expenses)          (5 )            (2 )
Total expense                                $     (15 )     $     (33 )

December 2019 quarter compared to December 2018 quarter

Unallocated and other recorded expense of $15 million and $33 million for the
three months ended December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively. The current and
prior year quarters included charges for restructuring activities of $7 million
and $29 million, respectively, which were comprised of the following items:

$4 million of executive transition costs during the current quarter;

$3 million and $17 million of severance, lease abandonment and other

restructuring costs related to company-wide cost reduction programs during

the current and prior year quarters; and

$12 million of stranded divestiture costs during prior year quarter,

primarily related to the planned divestiture of the Composites segment and

      Marl facility.



Ashland had $157 million in cash and cash equivalents as of December 31, 2019,
of which $145 million was held by foreign subsidiaries and had no significant
limitations that would prohibit remitting the funds to satisfy corporate
obligations. In certain circumstances, if such amounts were repatriated to the
United States, additional taxes might need to be accrued and paid depending on
the source of the earnings remitted. Ashland currently has no plans to
repatriate any amounts for which additional taxes would need to be accrued.

Ashland's cash flows from operating, investing and financing activities, as reflected in the Statements of Condensed Consolidated Cash Flows, are summarized as follows for the three months ended December 31, 2019 and 2018.

                                                           Three months ended
                                                               December 31
(In millions)                                                2019                    2018
Cash provided (used) by:
Operating activities from continuing
operations                                      $             (34 )     $              (9 )
Investing activities from continuing
operations                                                    (20 )                   (24 )
Financing activities from continuing
operations                                                     (7 )                   (50 )
Discontinued operations                                       (15 )                   (60 )
Effect of currency exchange rate changes on
cash and cash equivalents                                       1                      (2 )
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents       $             (75 )     $            (145 )



Operating activities

The following discloses the cash flows associated with Ashland's operating activities for the three months ended December 31, 2019 and 2018.

                                                           Three months ended
                                                               December 31
(In millions)                                                2019                    2018
Cash flows provided (used) by operating
activities from continuing operations
Net income (loss)                               $              32       $             (48 )
Income (loss) from discontinued operations                      2                     (23 )
(net of income taxes)
Adjustments to reconcile income from
continuing operations to
cash flows from operating activities:
Depreciation and amortization                                  61                      81
Original issue discount and debt issuance                       2                       2
costs amortization
Deferred income taxes                                         (12 )                     3
Stock based compensation expense                                4                       7
(Income) loss from restricted investments                     (13 )                    28
Excess tax benefit on stock based                               -                       1
Net loss on divestitures                                        -                       3
Pension contributions                                          (1 )                    (1 )
Gain on pension and other postretirement plan                   -                     (18 )
Change in operating assets and liabilities                   (109 )                   (44 )
Total cash flows used by operating activities   $             (34 )     $              (9 )
from continuing operations

  (a) Excludes changes resulting from operations acquired or sold.

Cash flows used from operating activities from continuing operations amounted to cash outflows of $34 million and $9 million in the current and prior year quarters, respectively.

Operating Activities - Operating Assets and Liabilities

The cash results during each quarter are primarily driven by net income (loss),
excluding discontinued operation results, adjusted for certain non-cash items
including depreciation and amortization (including original issue discount and
debt issuance cost amortization), as well as changes in working capital, which
are fluctuations within accounts receivable, inventory, trade payables and
accrued expenses. Ashland continues to emphasize working capital management as a
high priority and focus.

Changes in net working capital accounted for outflows of $94 million and $47
million for the three months ended December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively, and
were driven by the following:

• Accounts receivable - There were cash inflows of $40 million and $76

million during the current and prior year quarters, respectively, which

      were primarily due to collections in excess of sales during the first
      quarter of each fiscal year.

• Inventory - There were cash outflows of $38 million and $21 million during

the current and prior year quarters, respectively, which were primarily

driven by sales volumes.

• Trade and other payables - There were cash outflows of $96 million and

$102 million during the current and prior year quarters, respectively, and

primarily related to the timing of certain payments.

The remaining changes to operating assets and liabilities resulted in an outflow
of $15 million and an inflow of $3 million in the current and prior year
quarters, respectively, and were primarily due to income taxes paid or income
tax refunds, interest paid, and adjustments to certain accruals and other
long-term assets and liabilities.



Operating Activities - Summary

Operating cash flows for the current quarter included income from continuing
operations of $34 million. Additionally, the current quarter included non-cash
adjustments of $61 million for depreciation and amortization, $4 million for
stock-based compensation expense and $13 million for income on restricted

Operating cash flows for the prior year quarter included a loss from continuing
operations of $71 million. Additionally, the prior year quarter included a
non-cash adjustment of $81 million for depreciation and amortization, $7 million
for stock-based compensation expense, $28 million for the loss on restricted
investments and $18 million for the gain on pension and other postretirement
plan remeasurements.

Investing activities

The following discloses the cash flows associated with Ashland's investing activities for the three months ended December 31, 2019 and 2018.

                                                           Three months ended
                                                               December 31
(In millions)                                                2019                    2018
Cash flows provided (used) by investing
activities from continuing operations
Additions to property, plant and equipment      $             (29 )     $             (33 )
Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and
equipment                                                       -                       4
Net purchase of funds restricted for specific
transactions                                                   (1 )                    (2 )
Reimbursement from restricted investments                      10                       8
Proceeds from sales of securities                               4                       -
Purchase of securities                                         (4 )                     -
Proceeds from the settlement of derivative
instruments                                                     -                       1
Payments for the settlement of derivative
instruments                                                     -                      (2 )
Total cash flows used by investing activities
from continuing operations                      $             (20 )     $             (24 )

Cash used by investing activities was $20 million and $24 million for the
current and prior year quarters, respectively. The significant cash investing
activities for the current quarter primarily related to cash outflows of $29
million for property additions compared to $33 million in the prior year
quarter. Additionally, there were reimbursements from the restricted renewable
annual asbestos trust of $10 million during the current quarter compared to $8
million in the prior year quarter.

Financing activities

The following discloses the cash flows associated with Ashland's financing activities for the three months ended December 31, 2019 and 2018.

                                                           Three months ended
                                                               December 31
(In millions)                                                2019                    2018
Cash flows provided (used) by financing
activities from continuing operations
Repayment of long-term debt                                     -                      (1 )
Proceeds from (repayment of) short-term debt                   14                     (26 )
Cash dividends paid                                           (16 )                   (16 )
Stock based compensation employee withholding
taxes paid in cash                                             (5 )                    (7 )
Total cash flows used by financing activities   $              (7 )     $             (50 )
from continuing operations

Cash flows (used) provided by financing activities resulted in outflows of $7
million for the current quarter as compared to $50 million for the prior year



Significant cash financing activities for the current quarter included
short-term cash inflows of $14 million, primarily related to draws on the 2017
Revolving Credit Facility. The current quarter included cash dividends paid of
$0.275 per share, for a total of $16 million.

Significant cash financing activities for the prior year quarter included short-term debt net cash outflows of $26 million related to debt outstanding on the 2017 Revolving Credit Facility. The prior year quarter included cash dividends paid of $0.25 per share, for a total of $16 million.

The following discloses the cash flows associated with Ashland's discontinued operations for the three months ended December 31, 2019 and 2018.

                                                     Three months ended
                                                         December 31
(In millions)                                          2019            2018
Cash provided (used) by discontinued operations
Operating cash flows                              $     (17 )     $     (58 )
Investing cash flows                                      2              (2 )

Total cash used by discontinued operations $ (15 ) $ (60 )

Cash flows for discontinued operations in the current quarter related to previously divested businesses, including net payments of asbestos and environmental liabilities.

Cash flows for discontinued operations in the prior year quarter included cash
outflows of $44 million related to the activity of Composites and the Marl
facility. The remaining cash flows for discontinued operations related to other
previously divested businesses, including net payments of asbestos and
environmental liabilities.

Free cash flow and other liquidity resources

The following represents Ashland's calculation of free cash flow for the disclosed quarters. Free cash flow does not reflect adjustments for certain non-discretionary cash flows such as mandatory debt repayments.

                                                           Three months ended
                                                               December 31
(In millions)                                                2019                    2018
Total cash flows used by operating activities   $             (34 )     $              (9 )
from continuing operations
Additions to property, plant and equipment                    (29 )                   (33 )
Free cash flows (a)                             $             (63 )     $             (42 )

(a) Includes $6 million and $19 million of restructuring payments for the

three months ended December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively.

Working capital (current assets minus current liabilities, excluding long-term
debt due within one year) amounted to $656 million and $676 million as of
December 31, 2019 and September 30, 2019, respectively. Liquid assets (cash,
cash equivalents and accounts receivable) amounted to 88% and 94% of current
liabilities (excluding current liabilities held for sale) as of December 31,
2019 and September 30, 2019, respectively.

The following summary reflects Ashland's cash and unused borrowing capacity as of December 31, 2019 and September 30, 2019.

                                        December 31      September 30
(In millions)                                  2019              2019
Cash and investment securities
Cash and cash equivalents             $         157     $         232

Unused borrowing capacity
Revolving credit facility             $         766     $         752
Accounts receivable securitizations              27                48



The borrowing capacity remaining under the $800 million revolving credit
facility was $766 million due to a reduction of $34 million for letters of
credit outstanding at December 31, 2019. In total, Ashland's available liquidity
position, which includes cash, the revolving credit facility and the accounts
receivable securitization facilities, was $950 million at December 31, 2019,
compared to $1,032 million at September 30, 2019.

Capital resources


The following summary reflects Ashland's debt as of December 31, 2019 and
September 30, 2019.

                                                      December 31          September 30
(In millions)                                                2019                  2019
Short-term debt (includes current portion of
long-term debt)                                 $             179     $     


Long-term debt (less current portion and debt
issuance cost discounts) (a)                                1,502                 1,501
Total debt                                      $           1,681     $           1,667

(a) Includes $11 million and $12 million of debt issuance cost discounts as

       of December 31, 2019 and September 30, 2019, respectively.

Debt as a percent of capital employed was 32% at December 31, 2019 and at September 30, 2019. At December 31, 2019, Ashland's total debt had an outstanding principal balance of $1,739 million, discounts of $47 million, and debt issuance costs of $11 million. The scheduled aggregate maturities of long-term debt by year (including the current portion and excluding debt issuance costs) are as follows: zero remaining in 2020, zero in 2021, $1083 million in 2022, zero in 2023 and zero in 2024.

See Note R of the Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for subsequent events related to Ashland's debt.

Ashland credit ratings

Ashland's corporate credit rating with Standard & Poor's is BB+, while Moody's
Investor Services is Ba1. Moody's Investor Services and Standard & Poor's
outlooks both remained at stable. Subsequent changes to these ratings may have
an effect on Ashland's borrowing rate or ability to access capital markets in
the future.

Ashland debt covenant restrictions

Ashland's most recent credit agreement (the 2017 Credit Agreement) contains
usual and customary representations, warranties and affirmative and negative
covenants, including financial covenants for leverage and interest coverage
ratios, limitations on liens, additional subsidiary indebtedness, restrictions
on subsidiary distributions, investments, mergers, sale of assets and restricted
payments and other customary limitations. As of December 31, 2019, Ashland is in
compliance with all debt agreement covenant restrictions under the 2017 Credit

The maximum consolidated net leverage ratio permitted under the 2017 Credit
Agreement is 4.5. The 2017 Credit Agreement defines the consolidated net
leverage ratio as the ratio of consolidated indebtedness minus unrestricted cash
and cash equivalents to consolidated EBITDA (Covenant Adjusted EBITDA) for any
measurement period. In general, the 2017 Credit Agreement defines Covenant
Adjusted EBITDA as net income plus consolidated interest charges, taxes,
depreciation and amortization expense, fees and expenses related to capital
market transactions and proposed or actual acquisitions and divestitures,
restructuring and integration charges, noncash stock and equity compensation
expense, and any other nonrecurring expenses or losses that do not represent a
cash item in such period or any future period; less any noncash gains or other
items increasing net income. The computation of Covenant Adjusted EBITDA differs
from the calculation of EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA, which have been reconciled
above in the "consolidated review" section. In general, consolidated
indebtedness includes debt plus all purchase money indebtedness, banker's
acceptances and bank guaranties, deferred purchase price of property or
services, attributable indebtedness and guarantees. At December 31, 2019,
Ashland's calculation of the consolidated net leverage ratio was 2.9.



The minimum required consolidated interest coverage ratio under the 2017 Credit
Agreement is 3.0. The 2017 Credit Agreement defines the consolidated interest
coverage ratio as the ratio of Covenant Adjusted EBITDA to consolidated interest
charges for any measurement period. At December 31, 2019, Ashland's calculation
of the consolidated interest coverage ratio was 5.9.

Any change in Covenant Adjusted EBITDA of $100 million would have an approximate
0.5x effect on the consolidated net leverage ratio and a 1.1x effect on the
consolidated interest coverage ratio. The average change in consolidated
indebtedness of $100 million would affect the consolidated leverage ratio by
approximately 0.2x.

Additional capital resources

Cash projection

Ashland projects that cash flow from operations and other available financial
resources such as cash on hand and revolving credit should be sufficient to meet
investing and financing requirements to enable Ashland to comply with the
covenants and other terms of its financing obligations. These projections are
based on various assumptions that include, but are not limited to: operational
results, capital expenditures, working capital needs and tax payments and

Total equity

Total equity increased $54 million since September 30, 2019 to $3,625 million at
December 31, 2019. The increase of $54 million was due to net income of $32
million, deferred translation gains of $38 million, and $1 million of common
shares issued under stock incentive and other plans offset by dividends of $17

Stockholder dividends

In May 2019, the Board of Directors of Ashland announced a quarterly cash
dividend of 27.5 cents per share to eligible stockholders at record, which
represented an increase from previous quarterly cash dividend of 25.0 cents per
share. This dividend was paid in the third and fourth quarter of fiscal 2019 and
the first quarter of fiscal 2020.

Capital expenditures

Capital expenditures were $29 million for the three months ended December 31, 2019 compared to $33 million for the three months ended December 31, 2018.


The preparation of Ashland's Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements in
conformity with U.S. GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions
that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, sales and expenses, and
the disclosures of contingent assets and liabilities. Significant items that are
subject to such estimates and assumptions include, but are not limited to,
long-lived assets (including goodwill and other intangible assets), income
taxes, other liabilities and receivables associated with asbestos litigation and
environmental remediation. These accounting policies are discussed in detail in
"Management's Discussion and Analysis - Critical Accounting Policies" in
Ashland's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30,
2019. Although management bases its estimates on historical experience and
various other assumptions that are believed to be reasonable under the
circumstances, actual results could differ significantly from the estimates
under different assumptions or conditions. Management has reviewed the estimates
affecting these items with the Audit Committee of Ashland's Board of
Directors. No material changes have been made to the valuation techniques during
the three months ended December 31, 2019.

Goodwill and other indefinite-lived intangible assets

Ashland reviews goodwill and other indefinite-lived intangible assets for
impairment annually as of July 1 or when events and circumstances indicate an
impairment may have occurred. There were no events giving rise to an interim
impairment assessment at December 31, 2019, although Ashland continues to
closely monitor its Specialty Ingredients (ASI) reporting unit's performance and
the impact of recent declines in sales and continued competitive pricing
pressures among other items.



Ashland's assessment of an impairment on any of these assets classified
currently as having indefinite lives, including goodwill, could change in future
periods if significant events happen and/or circumstances change that effect the
previously mentioned assumptions included in Ashland's Form 10-K, which could
result in impairment charges in future periods.  Significant assumptions
inherent in the valuation methodologies include, but are not limited to, such
estimates as future projected business results, growth rates, the weighted
average cost of capital for market participant, royalty and discount rates, and
internal segmentation realignments.

Ashland's planned completion of the organizational changes to move from a functionally led to a business led organization could cause a change in reporting units in future periods, thereby requiring quantitative impairment assessments at that time.



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