Arctic Bioscience are presenting a new data on anti-inflammatory cellular functions of herring roe oil at the 9th European Workshop on Lipid Mediators in Edinburgh, UK. The HeROPA clinical trial on HRO350 with the active substance Phospholipid Esters from Herring Roe (PeHeRo) is ongoing in mild-to-moderate psoriasis, with planned read-out fall 2024. These new data on human primary immune cells show that Phospholipid Esters from Herring Roe promotes biosynthesis of specialized pro-resolving mediators (SPMs) that are involved in anti-inflammatory activities.

This mode of action can be a promising treatment modality in inflammatory conditions, including psoriasis, and supports an anti-inflammatory action of the investigational medicinal product HRO350. These data support previously published effects on inflammatory markers in psoriasis (Petrovic 2023). The study was conducted in collaboration with Møreforsking and was supported with a grant from the Norwegian Research Council (project nr.

327953, Properties of phospholipids from Herring Roe in Psoriasis).