The shareholders of Anhanguera Educacional Participações S.A. ("Company") are hereby: i) informed about the cancelation of the Annual Shareholders' Meeting of the Company that would have been held on April 22, 2014, so as the Call Notice published in the "Official Press of the State of São Paulo" and "Folha de São Paulo Newspaper" on 18, 19 and March 20, 2014; and ii) invited to attend the Annual Shareholders' Meeting to be held on April 28, 2013, at 11:00 a.m., at the Company's head offices located at Alameda Maria Tereza, 4266, suite 06, in the city of Valinhos, state of São Paulo, in order to:

(i) approve the management accounts, examine, discuss and vote on the Company's financial statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2013, including the Independent Auditor's Report;

(ii) decide on the proposal for the 2014 capital budget, the allocation of annual net income and payment of dividends;

(iii) set the total annual compensation of the Company's management for the fiscal year 2014; and

(iv) install the Company's Fiscal Council, elect its members and fix its total annual compensation.


Pursuant to paragraph 1 of Article 126 of Law 6,404/76, shareholders may be represented by proxy, subject to legal restrictions, and must deliver the following documents to the Company's head office, up to 48 (forty-eight) hours before the Meeting, as appropriate: (i) a statement of ownership issued by the depositary institution within the previous five (5) days; (ii) a power of attorney with the grantor's signature duly notarized; and (iii) in the case of shareholders whose shares are held in custody, a statement of shareholdings issued by the custodial entity.

Copies of the documents related to the items on the Agenda, including those required by CVM Instruction 481/2009, are available to shareholders at the Company's head offices, in accordance with Article 133 of Law 6,404/76, and on the Company's Investor Relations website (, as well as on the websites of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Brazil (CVM) ( and BM&FBOVESPA - Securities, Commodities and Futures exchange (

To access the Call Notice to ASM, please, click here.

To access the Management's Proposal to ASM (in Portuguese), please, click here.

To access a summary of the Management's Proposal to ASM in English, please, click here.

Valinhos, March 28, 2014.

About Anhanguera Educacional Participações S.A.
Anhanguera Educacional Participações S.A. is one of the largest private for-profit education institutions in Brazil, with over 570 locations in all Brazilian states and the Federal District, offering more than 90 undergraduate and associate degree programs in the fields of business administration, law, engineering, health and other applied social sciences, as well as graduate and extension programs. The majority of its students are young adults from the middle and lower middle income segments who work during the day and study at night, a segment not fully served by education institutions in Brazil. The Company is committed to offering high-quality education to help these young workers attain the educational qualifications required by the labor market and improve their prospects for career development. Anhanguera Educacional is listed on the Novo Mercado special corporate governance segment of the BM&FBovespa S.A. - Securities, Commodities and Futures Exchange and trades under the symbol "AEDU3".

For further information, please contact the Investor Relations Department:
Vitor Pini - Investor Relations Officer

Phone: +55 (19) 3517-3799 | 3771

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