Cellmid Limited announced that it has received the first order from Ourui Health Management Limited (OHM) pursuant to the distribution agreement signed on 14 December 2020 for the sale of Jo-Ju® and Lexilis® products in China (ASX announcement 14 December 2020). The first order has been received for 66,000 bottles of Jo-Ju® shampoo to be delivered in bulk, as no import permit has been received for the fully finished shampoo yet. These will be packaged in China at OHM's costs. An order has also been placed for 18,672 bottles of fully finished Jo-Ju® lotions with import permit. The order will be delivered in February and April 2021 and has a combined revenue of $530K which is paid before and will accrue on delivery. This is the first order, and part of the 500,000 unit order requirement for the first twelve months of the contract. It is anticipated that approximately half of the first-year orders will be received in October 2021, in preparation for the largest shopping day in the Chinese retail calendar (Singles day, 11/11). Minimum purchase orders increase to 1,000,000 units in year two and double digit (percentage) annual increases thereafter.