Laura Jordan, External Affairs Manager

A Toast to Tap: West Virginia American Water Offers New Year's Resolutions for a Healthy and Sustainable 2012 CHARLESTON, W.Va. (January 6, 2012) - With as many as 36 states facing water shortages by 2013, it has never been more vital for Americans to understand the true value of a resource so many take for granted - having enjoyed lifelong, ready access to clean, reliable water at the turn of a tap. West Virginia American Water, a subsidiary of the nation's largest publicly traded water utility, American Water (NYSE: AWK), has compiled a list of easy-to-adopt, water-conscious New Year's resolutions. The following list provides tangible objectives for consumers who want the health benefits of being well hydrated while ensuring that high-quality drinking water will continue to be available for future generations, and not just a relic of auld lang syne. Resolution #1: Drink For Your Health

The Cornell Medical Center estimates that as many as 3 out of 4 Americans are chronically dehydrated. Even mild dehydration can lead to fatigue and loss of concentration. Water flushes toxins from vital organs, carries nutrients to cells, and contributes to muscle health - decreasing joint and back pain, among other benefits. The Mayo Clinic cites research from The Institute of Medicine recommending that men consume roughly 3 liters (about 13 cups) of water and women consume 2.2 liters (about 9 cups) of water per day. And tap water will help you meet that recommended amount more cheaply, safely and
sustainably than bottled water (see Resolution #2).

Resolution #2: Drink Sustainably

Keep a reusable bottle of water near your desk, during workouts, or close at hand while home for frequent water breaks. Tap water is less expensive than bottled, at about a penny a gallon on average; often considered safer, since it is regulated by the EPA, with tests performed multiple times a day (while
bottled water is less stringently regulated by the FDA); and more environmentally friendly, as 85% of recyclable plastic water bottles end up in the trash, according to the Container Recycling Institute,
resulting in an average of 38 billion water bottles added to landfills every year.


Resolution #3: Check for Leaks

Millions of gallons of water are lost to leaks every year across the country. In fact, a continuous water leak the size of a pencil lead can lose up to 6,000 gallons per month. To check for toilet leaks, which account for more than 95 percent of all water waste, put a few drops of food coloring in the tank, then watch for a few minutes. If the color shows up in the bowl, there's a leak that needs to be repaired. Also look for drips or stains underneath and behind appliances such as dishwashers and washing machines. Outdoors, check for damaged sprinkler system heads and system leaks. As a general test, check your water meter before and after a two-hour period in which no water is being used. If the meter changes at all, you probably have a leak. Leak detection kits are available from West Virginia American Water in a downloadable file at

Resolution #4: Use Water-Efficient Fixtures

Advances in plumbing technology and design have resulted in faucets, showers and toilets that use significantly less water than standard models while still delivering the rinse, spray and flush that consumers expect. Look for the EPA's WaterSenselabel at leading retailers. If one in every 10 American homes upgraded a full bathroom with WaterSense labeled fixtures, combined savings would represent about 74 billion gallons of water per year!

Resolution #5: Insulate Pipes

Take steps to prevent water loss and water damage from frozen and burst pipes. Search for pipes that are not insulated or that pass through unheated spaces such as crawlspaces, basements or garages. Wrap them with pre-molded foam rubber sleeves or fiberglass insulation, available at hardware stores. Consider wrapping pipes with electric heating tape, but follow manufacturer's instructions carefully, and purchase heat tape with a built-in thermostat that only turns on heat when needed. Seal cracks and holes in outside walls and foundations with caulking to keep cold wind from pipes. In addition, wrap your water heater in an insulation blanket. Nearly 15 percent of an average home-energy bill goes to heating water.

West Virginia American Water, a wholly owned subsidiary of American Water (NYSE: AWK), is the largest water utility in the state, providing high-quality and reliable water services to approximately

600,000 people. Founded in 1886, American Water is the largest publicly traded U.S. water and wastewater utility company. With headquarters in Voorhees, N.J., the company employs more than 7,000 dedicated professionals who provide drinking water, wastewater and other related services to approximately 15 million people in more than 30 states, as well as parts of Canada. More information can be found by visiting .

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