Aluminium Bahrain B.S.C announced the promotions of Bryan Harris as the Chief Financial Officer and Khalid Turani as Chief Internal Audit and Risk Management Officer on 25 September 2019 following Alba's Board meeting. A qualified Chartered Accountant, Bryan assumes his new role in Alba with over 25 years of experience in management roles. He started his career with two 'Big 5' accounting and auditing firms, then was later appointed as the Finance Manager of a telecoms company in South Africa.

Prior to moving to Bahrain, Bryan spent 9 years in the UK in international leadership roles in Internal Audit, Strategy, Planning Performance Management, Risk, and Compliance Ethics for energy giant, BP. Bryan joined Alba in 2009 as the Chief Internal Auditor and Risk Officer and was appointed as the Acting Chief Financial Officer in December 2018. Mr. Harris serves as a Director at the Board of Aluminium Bahrain US, INC. and AlbaCap Insurance Ltd. (subsidiaries of Alba).

Khalid has 19 years of experience in Audit, Risk, Compliance and Ethics. He started his career with Ernst Young in 2001 and held posts with international and national companies in Bahrain. Khalid joined Alba in 2010 as a Senior Internal Auditor and is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) from California Board of Accountancy, Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) from the Institute of Internal Auditors USA, and Certified Risk Management Assurance, and has a Bachelor's degree in Accounting from University of Bahrain.