Alteryx, Inc. announced a partnership with Snowflake. The combination provides customers with automated data pipelining, faster data processing and speeds analytics outcomes at scale. Alteryx and Snowflake are used by customers globally with increasing demand. This integrated offering allows Alteryx's market-leading data prep, analytics and no-code, low-code data science capabilities to leverage Snowflake's compute, elastic scaling and secure data sharing capabilities. Additionally, the new offering is supported with a 30-day free trial that enables a single, seamless user experience that automates connectivity to Snowflake and executes Alteryx's automated data transformation capabilities and more within Snowflake. Alteryx and Snowflake offer a complete analytics, data science and process automation platform that is user-friendly and accessible to business analysts, citizen data scientists, data scientists and data engineers. Highlights of the integrated solution include: Alteryx automated data preparation and processing executable inside Snowflake's compute services. A new scalable data loader for large-scale analytics and data science initiatives. A seamless connection between transformed data and Alteryx's analytic and data science capabilities, including predictive and prescriptive analytics, data science and machine learning. Ready-to-use Alteryx business solution templates that provide customers outcomes in minutes.