Alpha Metaverse Technologies Inc. announced the launch of a Center of Excellence for Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) in 3D and Content Production. The center will focus on developing cutting-edge AI technologies to improve the efficiency and quality of 3D modeling, optimization and automated content production. The Company believes that the use of AI in 3D asset production will reduce the costs and time required for asset creation and thus increase profitability of such projects.

By automating repetitive tasks and enabling real-time adjustments to assets, the Company expects that AI can be used to streamline the production process and allow for more creativity and innovation in the final product. The Company plans to staff the center with a team of experts in AI and 3D asset production, who are expected to work closely with other departments within The Company with the aim of integrating AI technologies into the Company's existing production pipelines for its customers in order to drive higher levels of closed sales and profitability in solutions and services.