Al Moammar Information Systems Company announced that His Excellency Dr. Abdullah bin Ghazi Al-Ghamdi has been appointed CEO of Excellence for Application Solutions for Information Technology “MIS FORWARD.” Dr. Abdullah Al-Ghamdi has more than 25 years of experience in the technical, administrative, and business development fields, where he obtained his doctorate from the Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the University of Wales Britain, a professional engineer certificate from the British Council of Engineers and the European Engineering Organization, a fellowship from the Engineering and Technology Organization, the United Kingdom, and a higher member of the American Electrical and Electronics Engineers Organization (IEEE) and obtaining professional certificates in the project and program management, and he also participated in the membership of several boards of directors He chaired several high and executive committees, and held several senior technical and administrative positions, including assigning tasks to the work and management of the National Information Center. He also participated in and headed several development programs for digital transformation and worked as a consultant in several agencies.