Air China Limited reported operating results for the month and year to date ended June 2024. For the month, the company reported ATK of 3,517.5 million, ASK was 28,729.5 million, AFTK was 928.6 million, Traffic RTK was 2,442.8 million, RPK was 22,978.7 million, RFTK was 411.4 million, Number of Passengers carried was 12,541,400, Total Cargo and Mail carried were 124,276.0 tonnes, Passenger Load Factor was 80.0%, Cargo and Mail Load Factor was 44.3% and Overall Load Factor was 69.4%.

For the year to date, the company reported ATK of 21,606.7 million, ASK was 171,790.9 million, AFTK was 6,122.0 million, Traffic RTK was 14,229.3 million, RPK was 136,213.6 million, RFTK was 2,237.1 million, Number of Passengers carried was 74,959,500, Total Cargo and Mail carried were 701,598.3 tonnes, Passenger Load Factor was 79.3%, Cargo and Mail Load Factor was 36.5% and Overall Load Factor was 65.9%.