In May Aerodrom Ljubljana organised a training exercise for guide dogs and their owners at Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport in cooperation with the CANIS association, whose core mission is the training of guide dogs for people with movement and sensory impairments. The guide dogs and their owners had the opportunity to acquaint themselves in detail with airport procedures and the problems they may face when travelling by aeroplane. Five participants applied for a test flight. They underwent security checks before making their way to the airport exit. A bus then took them towards a platform where they boarded an Adria Airways aircraft.

Access for disabled people with guide dogs and other assistance dogs to public places and means of transport in the European Union is regulated by the Equalisation of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities Act as well as numerous EU conventions. Slovenia has also passed the Animal Protection Act. Dogs travelling by aeroplane must be declared in advance, equipped with a belt strap designating them as guide dogs, and in possession of an appropriate passport and identification card.

Baron, a guide dog, photograph: P. Irman, 2013

The airport personnel responsible for passenger care ensure that all necessary arrangements for people with special needs are in place, offering them assistance from their arrival to the airport to the moment they board the plane, at which point the flight carrier's cabin crew assume responsibility. For more information on assistance for passengers with special needs, visit the Aerodrom Ljubljana website.

The dog is allowed to sit next to its owner throughout flight. In accordance with the Aeroplane Flight Manual, which has been harmonised with the relevant legislative requirements and confirmed by the Civil Aviation Agency of Slovenia, no more than one dog is allowed to board an aeroplane. Adria Airways makes every effort to meet its passengers' needs and requests to the greatest extent possible. It is for this reason that Adria Airways is currently in the process of reviewing its operational procedures and operational manuals. The possibility of allowing more than one dog in the cabin is one of the many issues under consideration.

Zgornji Brnik, 9 June 2015

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