Advanced Explorations Inc. announced that, as per the recent agreement with XinXing Ductile Iron Pipes Group Co. Ltd. (XDIP) to further explore the Tuktu 2 anomaly an accelerated exploration program has been initiated that is primarily focused on delineating the extent of the high grade iron mineralization where surface sampling in June of this year returned iron values of up to 69.3% Fe. The field program will include drill testing of the Tuktu 2 anomaly, conducting more extensive surface sampling along strike, as well as geophysical surveys designed to help define the extent of high grade mineralization in the covered areas.

The objective of the program is to better understand the geologic target and validate the potential to discover sufficient high grade material to support a direct-ship ore operation. Following completion of this program the company and XDIP will assess results and determine whether additional work is required.