adesso AG announced that Generali, puts its trust in adesso product as inventory control system in the life insurance sector. As part of a group-wide plan to modernise its inventory control system for life insurance, Generali in Germany has decided in favour of using PSLife from the adesso insure product family. The first group company to use the software for mapping new business will be AachenMnchener Lebensversicherung AG. The total investment amount is expected to be in the two-digit-million range. Initial licensing and service revenue was generated already in 2016. Based on adesso's new standard software PSLife and the use of calculation kernels, it is possible to quickly launch insurance products as needed. The lean system architecture, which is capable of releases, considerably reduces previous operating costs. By choosing the adesso product, Generali is underscoring its own quality standards in Germany and creating the technical foundation for modern and extremely customisable products.