2014-01-06 - The Manufacturing Institute will honor Stanislawczyk, Operations Manager of ABB's Measurement Products factory in Warminster, PA

Warminster, PA, January 6, 2014- The Manufacturing Institute, an affiliate of the National Association of Manufacturers, announced that they will honor ABB's Denise Stanislawczyk with the prestigious Women in Manufacturing STEP (Science, Technology, Engineering and Production) Award next month in Washington, DC. The 2014 awards will honor 160 women throughout the manufacturing industries in the United States. Stanislawczyk is Operations Manager of ABB's Measurement Products factory in Warminster, PA.

The STEP Awards honor women who have demonstrated excellence and leadership in their careers and represent all levels of the manufacturing industry, from the factory-floor to the executive-suite.

"These 160 women are the faces of exciting careers in manufacturing," said Jennifer McNelly, president, The Manufacturing Institute. "We chose to honor these women because they each made significant achievements in manufacturing through positive impact on their company and the industry as a whole." The STEP Awards are part of the larger STEP Ahead initiative launched to examine and promote the role of women in the manufacturing industry through recognition, research, and best practices for attracting, advancing, and retaining strong female talent.

"I am very excited and honored to receive this award," commented Denise Stanislawczyk, Operations Manager at ABB Measurement Products' Warminster, PA factory. "Manufacturing has so many different facets; you need to be passionate to be successful. There is nothing more satisfying to me than walking through the plant and seeing quality products being produced by our greatest asset, our employees. We are always driving positive change to improve how we deliver to our customers."

Dane Maisel, General Manager of the Warminster plant added; "The management culture that has evolved in Warminster has a strong bias toward spending significant time on the development of the employees and the next generation leaders. This employee development focus has allowed us to make 'constant change' a part of our 'business as usual', something every business needs to embrace to be successful today. Denise fully embodies this concept in her spirit, her actions, and her results as a leader on our team."

Denise has been running operations in the Warminster plant since 2006, working her way up to that position from purchasing while also completing her undergraduate & graduate degrees at night school.

On February 6, The Manufacturing Institute will recognize Denise and 159 other recipients of the STEP Awards at a reception in Washington, D.C. The STEP Awards program will highlight each honoree's story, including their leadership and accomplishments in manufacturing.

The Manufacturing Institute is The 501(c) (3) affiliate of The National Association of Manufacturers. As a non-partisan organization, the Institute is committed to delivering leading

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