AAC Holdings, Inc. provided revised earnings guidance for the full year 2018. The company is revising its guidance for the full year 2018 to include AdCare from the March 1, 2018 acquisition date. Results for 2018 full year guidance have been provided for the 10 months inclusive of ASC 606, and for comparability only, 2018 full year guidance has also been provided excluding the impact of ASC 606. The company currently expects total revenues to be $360 million to $375 million. Adjusted EBITDA are expected to be $68 million to $72 million. Adjusted Earnings per Diluted Common Share are expected to be $0.75 to $0.80. Adjusted for Adoption of ASC 606 on January 1, 2018, the company expects total revenues to be $325 million to $340 million. Adjusted EBITDA are expected to be $68 million to $72 million. Adjusted Earnings per Diluted Common Share are expected to be $0.75 to $0.80. AAC expects an annual effective tax rate of 24% to 26% and diluted weighted-average common shares outstanding of approximately 24.5 million for the year.