3D-Pioneer Systems, Inc. announced that the company launching its alpha build of 'Appaloza'. Appaloza is being created as a proprietary 'E-Commerce Cloud Marketplace' and 3D printing application, created to provide designers and customers with a secure repository and virtual marketplace to store, edit, buy and sell original 3D designs. Users will also be able to order prints utilizing a multitude of different materials such as plastic, ceramic, titanium, gold, and stainless steel.

The key features of Appaloza being created and designed include: simple Search Service for making easy product discovery with predictive search suggestions. Secure print ability focused on Intellectual Property Rights Protection. A community for users to share, comment and collaborate on designs and projects.

A virtual marketplace for artists to create and manage their own online store. Users will have the ability to track analytics on their designs. Users will have the ability to rate sellers on the marketplace.

Users will have the ability to rate and review and comment on designs. Users will be able to slice, edit and print designs directly from Appaloza to their 3D printer. The Alpha build of Appaloza will focus on testing and user feedback on the primary functionality of the streaming printing and intellectual property rights protection.

Ecommerce transactions and financial services will follow in the beta and final stages of release.