Frankfurt (Reuters) - According to calculations by banks and brokerage houses, the DAX will open higher on Friday.

On Thursday it had closed 0.3 percent firmer at 16,963.83 points. Strong corporate figures were not enough to lift the leading German index above the 17,000-point mark. Sentiment was dampened by new deflation concerns and the threat of an economic slowdown in China, among other factors. Wall Street also ended the day only just in positive territory.

Politics will take center stage on Friday. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz will meet US President Joe Biden at the White House in Washington ahead of the US presidential election in November. In addition, the 27 member states of the European Union will vote on the compromise for a supply chain law. The focus is also on C02 fleet limits for trucks and buses by 2040, which could affect car manufacturers. 90 percent of new vehicles must be emission-free.

               Closing prices of European indices Dax 16,963.83 Dax future 17,023.00 EuroStoxx50 4,710.78 EuroStoxx50 future 4,716.00 Closing prices of US indices on Friday Change previous trading day Dow Jones 38,726.33 +0.1 percent Nasdaq 15,793.72 +0.2 percent S&P 500 4,997.91 +0.1 percent Asian indices on Friday Change Nikkei 36,959.87 +0.3 percent Shang     

(Report by Zuzanna Szymanska, Daniela Pegna. If you have any questions, please contact our editorial team at (for politics and the economy) or (for companies and markets).)