Zycus, a global leader in source-to-pay procurement technology solutions, welcomes Michael Taylor, MBA, PMP as its new Vice President of Customer Success Management. Mr. Taylor carries the mandate to galvanize Zycus’ customer success process, provide proactive support and advice and help Zycus’ customers to derive maximum value and performance from their investments in Zycus, irrespective of the company size.

Mr. Taylor comes to Zycus with just the right combination of professional credentials and experience to lead the company’s burgeoning customer success organization. Most recently, he led CareerBuilder’s Customer Success and Support teams, and was responsible for ensuring superior lifecycle experiences for the company’s North American business-to-business customer base. Previously, Taylor served in multiple customer focused positions in the US and overseas with CareerBuilder, BellSouth and AT&T. He earned his undergraduate degree from Bucknell University, an MBA from Emory University’s Goizueta Business School, and is a certified Project Management Professional. A former colleague stated that Mr. Taylor is “a very insightful leader” who is “skilled at change management and consistently brings innovative and thought-provoking ideas to the table.”

“Zycus has entered a phase where it is witnessing exponential growth,” says the company’s CEO and founder Aatish Dedhia. “Every day, we are adding new clients from all over the globe, introducing new solutions and enhancements, and increasing our market penetration. We believe this growth cannot be sustained without making significant strategic investments to support this momentum and the recruitment of Michael Taylor is one of our most significant ones to achieve our goal of offering customer delight. Michael’s experience and capabilities will go a long way in maintaining and enhancing our reputation as one of the most responsive and supportive solution provider”

About Zycus

Zycus is a leading global provider of procurement solutions suite across the source-to-pay and procure-to-pay cycles. Our product portfolio includes applications for strategic procurement- Spend Analysis, eSourcing, Contract Management, Supplier Management and Financial Savings Management and operational procurement- eProcurement, eInvoicing. Our spirit of innovation and our passion to help procurement create greater business impact is reflected among the hundreds of procurement solution deployments that we have undertaken over the years. We are proud to have as our clients, some of the best-of-breed companies across verticals like Manufacturing, Automotive, Banking and Finance, Oil and Gas, Food Processing, Electronics, Telecommunications, Chemicals, Health and Pharma, Education and more. We currently cater to over 300 customers worldwide in 20 countries.

To learn more about the Zycus, address e-mail to information@zycus.com or visit http://www.zycus.com/

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