KYIV, Jan 3 (Reuters) - Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said he discussed with U.S. President Joe Biden in a call on Sunday joint actions on keeping peace in Europe and preventing further escalation.

They spoke days after Biden held a second conversation in a month with Russian President Vladimir Putin amid tensions near Russia's border with Ukraine, where Russia has massed troops in preparation for what Kyiv and its allies fear could be a new military offensive.

"The first international talk of the year with @POTUS proves the special nature of our relations," Zelenskiy wrote on Twitter. He said the joint actions of Ukraine, the United States "and partners in keeping peace in Europe, preventing further escalation, reforms, deoligarchization were discussed. We appreciate the unwavering support of Ukraine." (Reporting by Pavel Polityuk and Matthias Williams; Editing by Daniel Wallis)