In response to a list of controversies surrounding Wright State University (WSU) administration and the Board of Trustees which have generated significant financial strain, Faculty have begun packing up their offices in preparation for their strike which begins this Tuesday, January 22nd.

The Trustees, chaired by Doug Fecher, CEO of the local Wright Patt Credit Union, and administration of Wright State have had a tenure marked by controversy. A partial list of these questionable activities by the administration and Board of Trustees includes:

  • A years-long, multi-million dollar federal investigation of WSU Administration for securing student visas for employees of area companies not enrolled at WSU, including employers represented by University Trustees. (The administration ultimately paid a settlement to end the investigation and shield Trustees and administration from civil and criminal liability.) (
  • A $2 Million settlement with the US Department of Education for dispersing student loan funds to people whom the university never confirmed were enrolled as students (
  • $4.3 Million in funds in an unsuccessful attempt to host a presidential debate (document link
  • A reprimand from the Ohio Ethics Commission for Trustee Michael Bridges, for improperly pressuring university employees to hire of his son. (

“Wright State’s Administration has spared no expense when it comes to protecting themselves from the consequences of their actions. Now that the bill has come due, their answer is to dilute the quality of Wright State’s education with more classes per teacher and less time for research. Enough.” said Marty Kich, President of American Association of University Professors, Wright State chapter (AAUP-WSU).

Kich continued, “How poorly has the administration performed its mission to support learning? As President Cheryl Schrader has made clear through email, she will immediately stop the pay and cancel the health insurance of every teacher who strikes. Every teacher striking will have to pay enormous COBRA premiums and lose hundreds perhaps thousands in wages. Despite this enormous expense, hundreds of faculty are going on strike to fight for public education.”

A complete list of administration controversies (with documentation) surrounding consulting agreements, conflicts of interest and financial management is available at AAUP-WSU’s website at