GENEVA, SWITZERLAND, Jan. 15, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The World Economic Forum has named The Knowledge Society as a global leader in educational innovation and creativity. TKS is one of 16 schools around the world who are disrupting education to prepare young people for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. 

The “Schools of the Future: Defining New Models of Education for the Fourth Industrial Revolution” report recognizes schools that are shaping the future of the economy and society. The report highlights schools from 14 countries, including Prospect Charter Schools in New York, Skills Builder Partnership in the United Kingdom, and the Green School in Indonesia. TKS is one of only three schools in North America to be included on the list.

“At The Knowledge Society, we’re certain that greatness can be developed. We've seen students dramatically evolve in a short period of time,” says Nadeem Nathoo, TKS co-founder and executive director. “We train students in emerging technologies, but we also train ambition, adaptability, relentless problem solving, and self awareness. If these qualities are trained in young people, we'll metaphorically break the four-minute mile over and over again.” 

TKS students have spoken at major conferences around the world, including Web Summit, SXSW, and C2, and earned internships with leading companies like Microsoft and IBM as early as 14 years old. Students have also started their own companies, including:

  • Synex Medical, founded by Ben Nashman: Non-invasively measure blood metabolites with a ring
  • SmartCane, founded by Riya Karumanchi: Maximize independence for the visually impaired with a smart cane
  • WaypointAR, founded by Sabarish Gnanamoorthy: Indoor way-finding application using augmented reality/computer vision without using beacons

TKS was started by two brothers, Navid and Nadeem Nathoo, who wanted to create what they wish they’d had growing up. 

“We realized we hadn’t been exposed to emerging technologies when we were young, and we didn’t have mentors to prepare us for the real world,” says Navid Nathoo, TKS co-founder and executive director. “When designing TKS, we consulted CEOs and thought leaders from around the world to identify the skills and mindsets needed to succeed as the entrepreneurs of tomorrow. As a result, TKS is a world-class experience designed for young people who want to solve the world’s biggest problems.”

TKS has opened applications for 2020 in Seattle, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Vancouver, Toronto, Ottawa, Boston, New York, and Las Vegas. The application process requires students to answer eight questions to gauge passion, curiosity, and ambition – it does not require the submission of grades or extracurricular activities.

About The Knowledge Society

Founded in 2016, The Knowledge Society (TKS) is a 10-month accelerator program for curious and ambitious teens between the ages of 13-17. Through project-based learning and real-world skill building, TKS trains young people to solve the world's biggest problems using emerging technologies. TKS has trained more than 500 students across North America in areas such as artificial intelligence, regenerative medicine, and quantum computing, among others.

About The Knowledge Society

Founded in 2016, The Knowledge Society (TKS) is a 10-month accelerator program for curious and ambitious teens between the ages of 13-17. Through project-based learning and real-world skill building, TKS trains young people to solve the world's biggest problems using emerging technologies. TKS has trained more than 500 students across North America in areas such as artificial intelligence, regenerative medicine, and quantum computing, among others.

Tiffany Regaudie
The Knowledge Society