But costly red tape since Brexit has closed down that trade completely, the company says, pushing it to consider investing in a new hub in France.

London and Brussels agreed a last-minute trade deal last December which averted border tariffs, but many companies, particularly smaller ones, have warned that the deal has thrown up new obstacles to trade that are killing business.

Managing Director Simon Spurrell:

"We have no access any longer to the 446 million consumer market in the EU. However, there is no reciprocal arrangement in place at the moment, so the whole of the EU is free to ship into the UK with their cheese products, meat products, etc., and animal produce, whilst we can't."

Last year, the firm sold 180,000 pounds - nearly $250,000 - worth of truckles to EU buyers. That's the name for a type of cheese shaped like a barrel.

And, Spurrell used to sell gift boxes worth 25 pounds to EU customers through his online shop.

But now every export needs a health certificate signed off by a vet, regardless of its size, at 180 pounds a pop.

The company, which had predicted a 40% rise in sales this year, has now halted plans for a new distribution centre in northern England, and might instead set one up in France.

"We're actually in a situation now where we have to think about what are our definitive options for continuing in the EU or abandoning the EU. One of the options ourselves and many other businesses have been looking at is actually having a distribution centre within the EU, because we can ship wholesale into the EU. It is difficult, very, very difficult, but it is possible and we have to achieve that.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said Britain would be free to trade globally once it had cast off Europe's shackles, and has dismissed such bureaucratic snags as teething problems.