On Jan. 30, 2017, pharmacy professionals, experts and thought leaders across the healthcare spectrum will convene for the 2017 HSCA/HISCI National Pharmacy Forum held in Tampa, Fla. Participating in the event is Dan Kistner, vice president, pharmacy solutions for Vizient, Inc. and Lisa Slama, senior vice president for Sg2, a subsidiary company of Vizient.

The focus of the conference is the role that pharmacy leadership plays in an evolving healthcare system. Kistner will participate in the GPO Pharmacy Leader Panel, “Key Issues from a GPO Perspective” on Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2:45 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. Additionally, Kistner will serve as a moderator for “The Role of Retail Pharmacists in the Evolving Healthcare Market, or Building a Retail Pharmacy Business Model” panel discussion on Wednesday, Feb. 1 at 7:45 a.m.

“It’s an honor to participate with my peers in discussions about the evolving role of pharmacy. Vizient is committed to maximizing our members’ performance in pharmacy operations, and panels such as these spur discussion on challenging topics, leading to ideas that ultimately improve patient care across the spectrum of healthcare,” said Kistner.

Slama’s presentation, “Health Care in Transition: Emerging Trends Within an Evolving Landscape” will take place on Tuesday, Jan. 31, 9:45 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. “Health care in the U.S. is facing unprecedented payment and policy shifts that will impact how, when and where care is delivered. In order to remain successful, the pharmacy industry needs to understand these changes and respond to them strategically. I’m excited to provide Sg2’s perspective on how these challenges and opportunities effect hospitals and health care systems,” Slama said.

Attendees of The National Pharmacy Forum will have the opportunity to discuss pending pharmaceutical policy, engage with supply chain representatives and learn about the pharmaceutical industry trends for the year ahead.

About Vizient, Inc.

Vizient, Inc., the largest member-owned health care company in the country, is dedicated to serving members and customers through innovative data-driven solutions, expertise and collaborative opportunities that lead to improved patient outcomes and lower costs. Vizient’s diverse membership and customer base includes academic medical centers, pediatric facilities, community hospitals, integrated health delivery networks and non-acute health care providers, and combined this represents almost $100 billion in annual purchasing volume. The Vizient brand identity represents the integration of VHA Inc., University HealthSystem Consortium and Novation, which combined in 2015, as well as the recently acquired MedAssets’ Spend and Clinical Resource Management (SCM) segment, which includes Sg2. Headquarters are in Irving, Texas, with locations in Chicago and other cities across the United States. Please visit www.vizientinc.com as well as our newsroom, blog, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube pages for more information about the company.