STORY: ::July 13, 2024

::Eyewitness footage captures the moment

Trump rallygoers spot a man with a gun on a roof

::He's got a gun!

::He's got a gun

::On the roof, he's got a gun

::Stay down

::Stay over here

::He's on top of the roof, don't go over there

::He's on the roof, buddy

::Butler, Pennsylvania

::Trump is wounded in the ear before Secret Service

swarm in and escort him off the stage

Another eyewitness video showed the moment the shots were fired in the direction of Trump, who later said a bullet hit his right ear and caused "much bleeding". The crowd on stage behind the former president are all seen ducking, as Secret Service agents swarm in to cover him.

In other footage captured by someone at the scene, the agents escort Trump away to the chants from the crowd of "U.S.A! U.S.A!". Other authorities are then seen carrying away what appears to be a person.

Reuters was able to independently verify the videos via the original file metadata from the source or by corroborating the date and visuals with other verified material.

The FBI said the incident was being investigated as an assassination attempt. Authorities confirmed the shooter was dead and identified him as a Pennsylvania man named Thomas Matthew Crook. They also said one man attending the rally was killed and two other men were injured.