EMC has recognized this year's recipients of the 2014 EMC Elect, a community-driven recognition and thank you for individual's engagement with EMC as a brand during the last calendar year. Key Characteristics of an outstanding EMC Elect recipient include:

  • Engagement - Members are those engaging on the EMC Community Network (ECN), Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and in person and at industry events.
  • Commitment - Being a part of the daily community EMC conversation and offering thoughtful feedback to customers and peers while staying optimistic in their language.
  • Leadership - The kind of people who take every opportunity to engage in technology evangelism and thought leadership with their customers and peers while representing the community.

"We are truly impressed with all of this year's award recipients. This effort goes above and beyond the base knowledge of the offerings and skillsets required," said Jeremiah Cook, CEO and Co-Founder of Varrow. "Our three recipients demonstrate the character and spirit of the Varrow brand. Their actions give Varrow a true competitive advantage while also giving back to the technology community."

We are pleased to recognize Varrow's own:

  • Jason Nash, Director of Cloud and Automation - http://jasonnash.com/, @TheJasonNash
  • Andrew Miller, Solution Architect - Manager - http://www.thinkmeta.net/, @andriven
  • Joe Kelly, Team Lead for Cloud and Automation - http://blog.virtualtacit.com/, @virtualtacit

Candidates qualify by being active in the technology community and sharing their EMC knowledge and experiences with others. This consists of both on and offline presence - from answering questions on the EMC Communities or authoring a blog to assisting in organizing or speaking at EMC User Groups or industry events. Out of the 375 nominations leading to 152 finalists, this resulted in the final 80 official members being selected for 2014.

About Varrow

Varrow is a leading provider of technology solutions and services in the areas of Cloud, Mobility and Security. Known for the quality of its engineers and a customer-centric culture, Varrow is helping organizations transform their IT operations and infrastructure to be more agile and responsive to the business. Whether an organization is looking to make a wholesale move to the cloud, is striving to deliver IT-as-a service more effectively to its end-users, or just wants advice on where to start, Varrow can help. Please visit http://www.varrow.com for the latest news and information about Varrow and our offerings.

Jessica Carter, 866-783-8604