Rabat, 28 January 2015 (ECA) - From 3 to 6 March 2015, the ECA Sub-Regional Office for North Africa (SRO-NA) will hold its 30thIntergovernmental Committee of Experts (ICE) meeting on: "Implementing Agenda 2063 - Planning, Mobilizing and Financing for Development". Parallel to this event, SRO-NA will hold an Expert Group Meeting (EGM) on the theme "Strategy for an inclusive green economy".

During this meeting, participants will study the 2014 report on the Evolution of Economic and Social Conditions in North Africa, 2014 Country profiles, regional and international agendas including the special initiatives for North Africa, the SRO's 2014 activity report and its draft work program for the 2016-2017 biennium. They will also discuss various themes including regional integration - with a focus on "Trade for industrialization", regional value chain development, transport and trade facilitation in North Africa. The ECA will submit the meeting recommendations at the ECA Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (CoM2015 Addis-Ababa, 30-31 March 2015).

This meeting is taking place in a regional context marked by the completion of political transition processes in two countries, the persistence of security risks in the Sahelo-Saharan region, a strong decrease in oil prices and other North African exports, as well as continued budget austerity and low growth levels in the Euro zone, North Africa's main trade partner.

Parallel to the ICE meeting, the Office will organize an experts' meeting (EGM) to study strategies for the development of an inclusive green economy in North Africa. Participants will analyze progress made in related national visions and policies, linkages with industries, and economic actors' related perceptions, practices and expectations.

ECA's Sub-Regional office in North Africa (SOR-NA) aims to support the development of countries across the sub-region (Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Tunisia and Sudan). Its mission is to help member states formulate evidence-based plans and policies to generate economic and social transformations in North Africa. Key areas include the analysis of economic and social development and regional integration dynamics, sustainable development, climate change impact and food security, technology, innovation, knowledge management and access to higher quality statistics.

The Intergovernmental Committee of Experts (ICE) is the SRO-NA statutory decision-making body and includes representatives from the seven member States. The ICE meets annually to discuss key economic and social development issues and supervise the implementation of the Sub-Regional Office work program.

For more information about this event and media coverage, please send an email to hfilali-ansary@uneca.org / cea.an.coms@gmail.com or call +212 (0)) 537 71 78 29 / 71 56 13.

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