For Immediate Release For Immediate Release International Production & Processing Expo

USPOULTRY Contact: Gwen Venable, 678.514.1971,
AFIA Contact: Miranda McDaniel, 703.558.3579,
NAMI Contact: Michael Schumpp, 202.587.4251,

Market Intelligence Forum: Words Have Consequences

Atlanta, Ga. - Jan. 29, 2015 - "Consumers are now more passionate about food than they ever were before. They love farmers but do not understand modern agriculture. We are responsible to a significant degree to how consumers see the food industry, and words have consequences," remarked Andy Vance, agricultural communication and media specialist for Penton Farm Progress Livestock Group, at the Market Intelligence Forum held during the 2015 International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE). The Market Intelligence Forum, once again, was one of the most anticipated and popular educational
programs at IPPE.
Vance emphasized that the industry needs to have better communication with the public regarding how and why animals are bred and housed. He also noted the industry is operating in three worlds - the world outside our door that does not know the industry, the world inside our barn, and the world inside our boss' office.
"There is a potential for a global recession, but I think the poultry industry will be okay," remarked Dr. Paul Aho, economist for Poultry Perspectives, during his overview on domestic and global drivers for
2015. Dr. Aho indicated that the rising value of the dollar and financial instability were indicators that influenced the tendency toward deflation. He also discussed that feed prices will likely remain low over the next three years, chicken prices will be lower than last year but still profitable, and turkey and eggs will also be profitable.
According to Mike Donohue, vice president for Agri Stats, the poultry industry will continue to be very efficient at producing chicken, turkey and eggs in 2015. He remarked, "Big chicken continues to gain ground in production efficiency. We are actually enjoying some relief in feed ingredient costs, but it depends upon a bountiful harvest every year to maintain some predictability in production costs and returns. From a genetic point of view, we are able to produce better meat yield, giving the consumer the ability to pay lower prices per pound of food."

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Andy Vance, agricultural communication and media specialist for Penton Farm Progress Livestock
Group, and Dr. Paul Aho, economist for Poultry Perspectives, speaking at the Market Intelligence Forum, held during the 2015 International Production & Processing Expo.


The International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE) is a collaboration of three shows - International
Feed Expo, International Meat Expo and the International Poultry Expo - representing the entire chain of protein production and processing. The event is sponsored by the American Feed Industry Association (AFIA), North American Meat Institute (NAMI) and U.S. Poultry & Egg Association (USPOULTRY).


The American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) is the world's largest organization devoted exclusively
to representing the business, legislative and regulatory interests of the U.S. animal feed industry and its suppliers. AFIA also is the recognized leader on international industry developments. Member-companies are livestock feed and pet food manufacturers, integrators, pharmaceutical companies, ingredient suppliers, equipment manufacturers and companies which supply other products, services and supplies to feed manufacturers.


The North American Meat Institute (NAMI) is the leading voice for the meat and poultry industry. Formed from the 2015 merger of the American Meat Institute (AMI) and North American Meat Association (NAMA), the Institute has a rich, century-long history and provides essential member services including legislative, regulatory, scientific, international and public affairs representation.
NAMI's mission is to shape a public policy environment in which the meat and poultry industry can
produce wholesome products safely, efficiently and profitably. Together, the Institute's members produce the vast majority of U.S. beef, pork, lamb and poultry and the equipment, ingredients and services needed for the highest quality products.


U.S. Poultry & Egg Association (USPOULTRY) is the all-feather organization representing the complete spectrum of today's poultry industry, whose mission is to progressively serve member companies through research, education, communication, and technical assistance. Founded in 1947, U.S. Poultry & Egg Association is based in Tucker, Ga.

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