The world’s leading customer experience officers have collaborated to launch TribeCX, an online community of global practitioners providing best practice advice in CX. TribeCX is committed to developing global standards, supporting the future development of CX functions with sector specific insight, benchmarking tools and shared learning.

The founders include David Hicks, former CEO at Mulberry Consulting; Craig Lee, formerly Senior Manager of CX and Brand at Emirates; Penny Couchman, who has consulted for Saudi Telecom Company and Abu Dhabi Airports; Brad Smith, who had CX roles with Yahoo!, Sage and Oracle; Doug Houston, who was CXO at BP; and Nigel Howlett, formerly Global Executive Vice President at OgilvyOne and President International at IRI Worldwide.

TribeCX offers a team of senior CX practitioner ‘Elders’, providing actionable advice to members of the community looking for self-support and discussion. The Elders will be creating their own blogs and articles for members, alongside running practitioner forums.

TribeCX has also developed a free assessment tool for individual professionals to identify strengths and weaknesses in any CX journey, providing recommendations on CX priorities and confirming direction to drive better business results.

Earlier this year, Temkin Group found that a modest increase in customer experience can generate an average of USD823 million in additional revenue over three years for a USD1 billion company. [1] Commenting on the launch, Bruce Temkin, Managing Partner of Temkin Group and industry visionary, said, “As the CX market matures, companies need more practical guidance on how to apply proven best practices. It’s great to see a new model for organisations to learn from CX experts such as Brad Smith, Craig Lee and David Hicks.”

Brad Smith, CDO at TribeCX added, “Successful CX practitioners know the hazards of attempting the wrong change initiative at the wrong time, without the level of executive, stakeholder or budgetary support. Access to a community of elders, and specific toolkits designed to help successfully take steps would have been invaluable to me when I was at Oracle, Symantec or Yahoo!. It’s why we started TribeCX!”

For CX practitioners looking to share their top tips, learn from likeminded individuals around the world or collaboratively explore new and innovative customer experience initiatives, visit