Tribal Capital Markets, LLC, the industry’s largest Native American owned boutique investment bank, is proud to announce an additional $5 million equity investment by the Morongo Band of Mission Indians, effective today.

This investment increases TCM’s capital to over $12 million and makes it the largest Native American owned firm in the industry, as well as one of the most well-capitalized diversity firms in the country. TCM is also unique in the diversity space in that its capital comes directly from its Native American majority owners. TCM has been funded by the Morongo Band of Mission Indians and is the only full-service, well-capitalized, Native American firm in the diversity space.

Morongo Band Of Mission Indians Tribal Council Chairman Robert Martin stated, “This additional investment will allow the TCM team to continue to grow its client base and revenues. We look forward to the team’s continued expansion into additional business lines such as public finance, and in particular, gaming finance, as well as debt and equity capital markets. This additional investment signals our growing endorsement to all TCM clients.”

Chairman Martin added, “Morongo’s goal is to have the TCM team become one of the premier financial services firms in the US, not just in the diversity space. We all hope this can be an opportunity for Native Americans to become a larger part of the financial services industry and the TCM team can use their expertise to help all Tribal Nations achieve better returns for their investment portfolios.”

TCM Managing Partner John Barry added, “We are honored and pleased that Morongo has increased their investment in TCM. This additional capital puts us in the top tier of well-capitalized diversity firms. Having more than $12 million in capital will allow us to be included in a greater selection of capital markets and public finance transactions, attract more sales and trading talent, and better leverage our balance sheet to provide client liquidity, as well as open additional trading opportunities with more selective counterparties.”

About Tribal Capital Markets, LLC

Tribal Capital Markets, LLC is a Native American owned boutique investment bank serving a broad array of corporate, governmental, tribal nation and institutional clients. Headquartered in New York City, TCM focuses on equities, fixed income sales and trading, and capital markets. For more information view