#7. Global debt record

$244 trillion, that’s the world’s debt level. According to an analysis by the Institute of International Finance, this is more than three times the size of the global economy, Bloomberg reports.

The International Monetary Fund has warned governments to control rising debt levels and to create buffers against future risks.

#6. Chinese growth

Another questionable record - this time from China - is expected on Monday. Analysts who have been polled by Reuters expect the Chinese economy to have grown by 6.4% in Q4 last year, slowing from the previous quarter’s 6.5%, CNBC reports.

If the analysts turn out to be right, China’s GDP for 2018 would come down to 6.6%, the lowest level since 1990.

#5. Nike’s auto-lacing shoe

That’s right, a shoe that auto laces. While some may say this is an unnecessary feature, it does solve a big problem for many pro players. Auto lacing means that they get to keep the same level of tightness for hours as they play the game, TechCrunch reports.

#4. Potential Ghosn successor

In a newspaper interview, French finance minister Bruno Le Maire said that Michelin’s CEO Jean-Dominique Senard could be a good choice to lead Renault, Reuters reports.

Renault seems to be on the lookout for a replacement for Carlos Ghosn, who is still being held in custody in Japan following charges of alleged financial misconduct.

#3. The battle for Barclays

Barclays, Britain’s last remaining global investment bank, has been debating for years about whether or not it should maintain its investment arm. Now, Edward Bramson, an activist investor, is trying to force the issue, the Financial Times reports.

According to the FT, Bramson is campaigning for Barclays to be scaled back, saying it would be better if the bank focuses on its UK retail operation and its credit card business.

#2. Toyota’s new Supra

Great news for fans of fast cars this week. At the Detroit Motor Show, Toyota finally unveiled its new Toyota Supra. The supercar was developed in collaboration with BMW, features 335 horsepower and will hit the dealership this summer, CNN reports.

#1. Free Venezuela!

A few hours after Nicolas Maduro was sworn in for a second term as Venezuela’s president, people were banging heavy pots together as a form of protest, Bloomberg reports.

This seems to be a sign that the down-with-Maduro spark has been reignited. According to the same Bloomberg article, 35-year-old lawmaker Juan Guaido has declared he is ready to assume the presidency himself, hence soaring to political rock-star status.

There you have it, the third week of 2019 all captured in Tweets. As always, we’ll continue to track Twitter and bring you the top financial micro-messages from the web. See you back here next Friday.

Source: www.scoopnest.com.