A low pressure system tracking south of the Great Lakes brought blizzards to the region on Monday, forcing road closures and flight cancellations, and leaving some motorists stranded for several hours.

"This was a big storm with a large amount of snow," Toronto Mayor John Tory told reporters at a briefing.

"All staff and ploughs are out today and on the job," Tory said, adding that crews were "experiencing challenges due to abandoned or parked cars."

Schools, which had been scheduled to reopen Monday for in-person classes, will remain shut on Tuesday, the Toronto District School Board said.

Further north, in national capital Ottawa, school bus service were cancelled due to poor road conditions, but parents could drive children to school.

Forecasters at Environment Canada cited some chance of snow flurries Tuesday evening in Toronto, while Ottawa was expected to get some sunshine.

(Reporting by Ismail Shakil in Bengaluru; Editing by Richard Chang)