The Philanthropic Initiative (TPI), a global philanthropy advising practice, today announced it has entered into partnership with WiseGiving Advisors, a Hong Kong-based philanthropy advising practice, to further strategic philanthropy in the Asia-Pacific region.

With the largest population of high net worth individuals of any region and the fastest growing number of billionaires, Hong Kong and the Asia-Pacific are a burgeoning frontier in philanthropic giving with the potential to affect real world change. Private philanthropy from this region is nascent but with great potential, and TPI and WiseGiving Advisors are committed to supporting its development. The partnership between TPI and WiseGiving Advisors will bring international best practices in strategic philanthropy to Hong Kong and the Asia-Pacific region to ensure their giving reflects their most deeply felt values and addresses society’s most critical needs around the world.

“Our partnership with WiseGiving Advisors was created to meet the needs of the growth in strategic philanthropy in Asia,” says Ellen Remmer, Managing Partner at TPI. “It represents a new model -- one that brings together advisor and client as true partners, working toward a similar end, to build a philanthropic infrastructure that can be reproduced across the region and make worldwide impact.”

The partnership between TPI and WiseGiving Advisors is a major step in building capacity to make the quantity and quality of Hong Kong’s philanthropy more strategic and strengthening the culture of giving in Hong Kong and the Asia-Pacific region.

“Donors in the Asia-Pacific region are no longer satisfied with merely writing a check to their favorite charity,” said Michael Lee, chairperson of the WiseGiving Advisors Steering Committee. “Instead, they wish to be heavily involved: from understanding needs in the community and identifying service gaps, to designing programs and measuring the outcomes of their giving. Donors are increasingly finding that they need professional help to achieve their goals.”

As part of the announcement, TPI and WiseGiving Advisors will be hosting a series of workshops this week in Hong Kong on family philanthropy. These workshops will cater to the specific needs of Hong Kong families, which so often embody a complex and intricate combination of Chinese and Western values.

The Philanthropic Initiative

The Philanthropic Initiative (TPI) is a global philanthropic advisory practice that helps companies, foundations, families, and individuals maximize the impact of their giving. We work with adventurous, entrepreneurial, and pragmatic donors to move beyond traditional grantmaking. In over 25 years, we’ve directed more than one billion philanthropic dollars and influenced billions more on behalf of our clients.

TPI’s Center for Global Philanthropy advances strategic philanthropy around the globe. We conduct cutting edge research on philanthropic trends and train individuals, organizations, and advisors in best practices. Partnering with international experts and local organizations, we help donors and companies navigate an increasingly interconnected and complex world and make informed, thoughtful, and courageous choices.

For more information about TPI visit, read our blog Deep Social Impact, or connect on LinkedIn and Twitter @TPIPhilanthropy.

WiseGiving Advisors

WiseGiving Advisors is dedicated to helping donors achieve their goals. Our belief is that donors have a powerful role to play in civil society. Donors are not merely a provider of funds, but can also serve as innovator, advocate, capacity-builder, and convenor for stakeholders to gather together to address some of the most entrenched social issues.

Our team has a decade of experience working for the most prominent donors in Hong Kong on a wide variety of social issues. We understand donors nowadays have high expectations of their giving. They want their giving to reflect their values, focus on critical issues, and have measurable impact. WiseGiving Advisors has the experience and knowledge to deliver innovative and powerful giving strategies that achieve all of the donors’ objectives. For more information see