At the start of Pacific Telecommunication Conference, Telarix announced that they have expanded their global carrier community with the addition of KVH Co, Ltd. KVH, headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, joins the Telarix user community by investing in the SaaS version of Telarix, iXTools and iXLink, to provide complete automation for operations ensuring future scalability without additional capital-cost.

KVH will utilize Telarix’s routing, trading and billing system, allowing an advanced level of automation and efficiency. Additionally they chose to implement Telarix’s iXLink business-to-business exchange service to automate their exchange of information and to connect with the over 3,800-carrier community.

“KVH has an impressive approach to the wholesale market,” states John Tolton, Vice President of Asia Pacific Sales for Telarix. “They have realized that with this unified platform solution they can improve the quality and cost of delivering organic traffic internationally as well as creating a new line of hubbing revenues and margins. Becoming part of the iXLink user community has already resulted in mutually beneficial partnerships, allowing other carriers in the community to benefit as well.”

“Telarix was the clear choice to help us meet our strategic objectives without a large capital investment,” states Yasufumi Ota, Senior Vice President, SVP, Business Planning & Access Management, KVH Co., Ltd. “Our partnership with Telarix provides improved levels of automation, efficiencies and connections, while the level of service and support has been excellent.”

“The combination of iXTools and iXLink is a powerful one that will allow KVH to have enhanced visibility and control of their network, positioning them for revenue and margin growth,” states Tolton. “We know our partnership will continue to grow and are looking forward to helping their wholesale business reach new levels of profitability with our systems.”

About Telarix

Telarix, the market leader in Interconnect Business Optimization solutions, helps solve a new set of challenges for international service providers with its software, iXTools and iXLink. iXLink enables carriers, resellers and emerging market providers to automate their wholesale interconnect purchase processes. With over 3,000 members exchanging over 40,000 documents monthly in a secure and collaborative business environment, iXlink has proven to be the solution to have. Its product set includes Price List Receipt, Price List Distribution, Bill Receipt and Bill Distribution. Newly enhanced premium features include dial code analysis and discrepancy management, line by line invoice reconciliation and audit and listed least cost routing report, all designed to focus on improving the bottom line. iXTools, currently processes over 150 billion voice, sms, content and data minutes each year, offering carriers an unprecedented level of visibility and control of interconnect traffic helping them to identify optimal routing strategies, among other things. As a result, users are able to streamline operations to achieve lower operating costs and higher productivity. iXTools is able to provide insight and assistance with Routing, Billing and Audit, Settlement, Trading and Managed Services. Offered in both a licensed and SaaS model Telarix’s software can be integrated to carriers of all sizes. For more information please visit and