According to the latest rumors, the meeting could take place around the end of November to the beginning of December, to give both sides time to refine the text. And to find the right place. According to reports, it will not be in the United States or China. It is the old Europe that could inherit the ceremony, with Sweden and Switzerland, historic treaty hosts, being presented as favorites. Britain was also mentioned as it is hosting a NATO summit on December 3 and 4 December in London. But the country may have other things to worry about with the organization of early legislative elections.

Trump’s impeachment investigation continues. A new element emerged in Trump’s Ukrainian scandal, with Attorney General William P. Barr having reportedly turned down a request from the president to declare that a call in which Trump pressed the Ukrainian leader to investigate a political rival broke no law. In addition, Gordon Sondland, the US ambassador to the EU and Donald Trump's ally, admitted that he had made military aid to Ukraine conditional on an investigation into the cases of Joe Biden and his son.

Markets, which are evolving at record levels, are reacting rather weakly to the latest rumors. They remain rocked by corporate publications, which will still be numerous today.

In Europe, the resignation of a minister from Boris Johnson's cabinet weakens the Conservatives. Boris Johnson's campaign for the December 12 legislative elections was launched yesterday..

Emmanuel Macron does not leave empty-handed. The French President and Xi Jinping are trying to send a strong message in favor of multilateralism and free trade. The third and last day of the Head of State's visit was marked by the signing of some 40 contracts and projects worth €13.6 billion. Most of these agreements will benefit French companies in the aeronautics, clean energy sectors and also agri-food.

Like a 2009 tune in Thailand. The Thai central bank has decided to lower its key interest rate to 1.25%, its lowest level since 2009. The decision was voted by the MPC (the body that makes important central bank decisions) by a vote of 5 to 2. This reduction should help to curb the rise of the Baht, which is at its highest level since May 2013 against the dollar, in order to promote exports by Thai companies. 

Towards the end of the period of negative rates in France? The French 10-year yield had already turned positive just before a Mario Draghi meeting in July, which was supposed to announce a new EQ for September. Since then, rates have remained negative for the 10-year OAT, but graphically, we are getting closer and closer to 0%.