Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "Suriname Upstream Fiscal and Regulatory Report - Open Door Licensing Adds Flexibility to Attractive Regime" report to their offering.

Suriname Upstream Fiscal and Regulatory Report - Open Door Licensing Adds Flexibility to Attractive Regime, presents the essential information relating to the terms which govern investment into Suriname's upstream oil and gas sector.

The report sets out in detail the contractual framework under which firms must operate in the industry, clearly defining factors affecting profitability and quantifying the state's take from hydrocarbon production.

Considering political, economic and industry specific variables, the report also analyses future trends for Suriname's upstream oil and gas investment climate.


- Overview of current fiscal terms governing upstream oil and gas operations in Suriname

- Assessment of the current fiscal regime's state take and attractiveness to investors

- Charts illustrating the regime structure, and legal and institutional frameworks

- Detail on legal framework and governing bodies administering the industry

- Levels of upfront payments and taxation applicable to oil and gas production

- Information on application of fiscal and regulatory terms to specific licenses

- Outlook on future of fiscal and regulatory terms in Suriname

Key Topics Covered:

1 Tables & Figures

2 Regime Overview

3 State Take Assessment

4 Key Fiscal Terms

4.1 Upfront Payments

4.2 Cost Recovery

4.3 Profit-Sharing

4.4 Direct Taxation

4.5 Indirect Taxation

4.6 State Participating Interest

5 Regulation and Licensing

5.1 Legal Framework

5.2 Institutional Framework

5.3 Licensing Process

5.4 License Terms

6 Outlook

For more information about this report visit