Key facts

For Christchurch city, after seasonal fluctuations are removed:

  • Total retail activity increased 2.1 percent in the September 2012 quarter, compared with the June 2012 quarter (sales at the national level fell 0.8 percent). 
  • Since the June 2010 quarter (before earthquakes), Christchurch's total retail activity has risen 6.8 percent (national growth was 8.0 percent). 
  • Accommodation and food services activity in Christchurch was 2.7 percent below pre-quake levels, while other retail trade activity was up 8.5 percent.

The following graph shows that retail growth was similar for Christchurch and New Zealand before the earthquakes, but diverged markedly after the June 2010 quarter. These two series are now showing signs of returning to a similar level.

Geoff Bascand
Government Statistician
4 January 2013
ISSN 2253-2803
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