The Berlin virtual reality pioneer Staramba has announced the release of ROYALTY. The pioneering cryptocurrency has the potential to revolutionize the global licensing industry.

The potential for the cryptocurrency ROYALTY is enormous: Staramba can revolutionize the global licensing industry thanks to a specially developed blockchain technology. Both licensors and licensees benefit from these advantages:

- Drastic simplification of the entire settlement process for licensing transactions and the just-in-time distribution of revenues to licensors and licensees;

- Total transparency of all transactions for all parties involved and the elimination of control measures on the licensed products sold;

- Substantial cost savings for all participants due to the elimination of expensive software solutions, transaction costs and currency fluctuations.

As a first step, Staramba will use the crypto currency for its social VR network STARAMBA.spaces, which is currently in development. ROYALTY secures the exclusive content and rights of the licensors for STARAMBA.spaces. A further advantage of ROYALTY is the additional capital generated by issuing up to 500 million tokens, which secures the financing for future expansions of STARAMBA.spaces.

In order to ensure a functioning currency and added value to ROYALTY in the long term, especially in exchange for specific products and services on STARAMBA.spaces, ROYALTY is issued via the Leondrino Exchange. The token design is scalable to the trading behavior of investors and thus counteracts pure speculation. Leondrino Exchange adheres to the regulations of BaFin in Germany, SEC in the USA and FinMa in Switzerland.

ROYALTY is to be introduced gradually. A portion of the currency volume is to be offered in advance to selected investors. The aim is to issue ROYALTY after its release for public trading via the Leondrino platform.

"As a first step, we will use the cryptocurrency within our STARAMBA.spaces platform," explains Christian Daudert, CEO of Staramba SE. "After successful tests, ROYALTY will then be issued worldwide. The recognition of the tokens by the supervisory authorities of the target markets at the start of the public issue and the start of trading is just as important for the acceptance of ROYALTY by consumers and investors as the acceptance obligation of the currency for own products and services. Therefore, we do not plan to convert tokens and coins into shares of Staramba SE. ROYALTY, as the currency for payment, is an instrument that evolves independent of the share price."

About Staramba SE

Berlin based Staramba SE is a virtual reality (VR) pioneer with unique hardware and software expertise. The flagship project is the development of the world's first social VR network STARAMBA.spaces: a new virtual world in which fans can interact up close with international stars. Photorealistic avatars that do not exist in any other platform and the integration of social media channels make STARAMBA.spaces a unique VR experience. The VR pioneer has also built the world's most comprehensive database of photorealistic 3D models of top international stars. Another business area is the 3D-INSTAGRAPH® scanner developed by Staramba. This enables certified partners to generate photorealistic 3D avatars of consumers formany applications. Staramba has also announced its own cryptocurrency ROYALTY, which has the potential to revolutionize the global licensing industry. The first step for ROYALTY will be its use within STARAMBA.spaces. Further information:
