STORY: :: South Africa's electoral commission website goes blank during a two-hour technical glitch

:: May 31, 2024

:: Midrand, South Africa

:: Mawethu Mosery, Deputy chief electoral officer, IEC

"To just keep everyone calm. The results system is functioning and we haven't lost any data and there is progress with our capturing and there are no issues in terms of that. The interest of what actually went wrong, that detail our technician will provide and we'll be able to give you back details. But for now we should be back online in another 30 minutes or so."

Partial results from South Africa's parliamentary election reappeared on the electoral commission's website on Friday (May 31) after roughly two hours during which the results page went blank due to an apparent technical glitch.

When it came back up, the results page showed the governing African National Congress on 42.1% of the vote with results in from 54.9% of polling stations.

The opposition Democratic Alliance party was on 23.7%, uMkhonto we Sizwe (MK) on 10.8% and the Economic Freedom Fighters on 9.6%.