SCRA Applied R&D today announced that the National Spectrum Consortium (NSC), in conjunction with the Department of Defense’s (DoD) Spectrum Access Research and Development Program (SAR&DP), has listed project opportunities for NSC members.

In February 2014, DoD released its Electromagnetic Spectrum Strategy. One of the fundamental parts of the strategy was the development of new and innovative methods for sharing spectrum or reducing DoD's overall spectrum footprint. To help identify and foster the development of these new technologies, the SAR&DP was created.

Through this program, DoD has worked closely with the NSC to develop a portfolio of research and development projects designed to reduce the risk associated with the Advanced Wireless Services (AWS-3) transition. The portfolio has been approved by the DoD Spectrum Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Cyber Leadership Board and has been forwarded to the Office of Management and Budget for review and approval. Upon approval, Spectrum Relocation Funds will be released to fund the portfolio of projects. The Spectrum Relocation Fund was established to provide funds to eligible Federal entities to pay relocation or sharing costs incurred due to the auction of frequencies and is funded from proceeds from those auctions.

The brief description of the projects DoD is proposing to pursue is available for review by NSC members. Becoming a member of the NSC is easy: please visit the National Spectrum Consortium website for information on how to join or for additional information about the consortium.

About SCRA Applied R&D

SCRA Applied R&D leads diverse industries and organizations to develop innovative technology solutions for federal and corporate clients. Technology focus areas include: shipbuilding and ship repair, manufacturing technologies, advanced material applications and rapid prototyping, among many others, which have resulted in real-world, high return on investment technologies. SCRA Applied R&D has a strong track record of delivering technologies that achieve wide-spread industry adoption and application. National and International programs led by SCRA have accumulated a total contract value of over $4.8 billion to date.