Delos®, the pioneer of Wellness Real Estate TM, is pleased to announce that Rick Fedrizzi, President and CEO of the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), has joined its Advisory Board. As the founding chair of USGBC, Fedrizzi is recognized as a global leader in the green building movement. He brings decades of experience as both a business leader and as head of one of the most influential and innovative environmental non-profits to Delos, which is the world's first real estate developer to incorporate evidence-based human health and wellness amenities into homes, offices and other buildings to enhance occupant well-being alongside environmental sustainability.

"USGBC has long held that truly green buildings and communities are not only energy, water and resource efficient, but that their improved indoor environmental quality - access to daylight, use of active design, improved indoor air quality and supply chain transparency to toxins in materials selection - make them healthier for the people who live, work, play and learn in them," said Rick Fedrizzi. "Delos has come to the marketplace with a lot of enthusiasm and innovation around groundbreaking wellness technologies that will help our LEED green building rating program and other rigorous green building efforts ensure our built environment is as healthy and safe for people as possible. I look forward to closely collaborating with the team and helping expedite the evolution of green building practices so they continue to enhance human health."

A passionate advocate for sustainable design, Fedrizzi co-founded USGBC while he was environmental marketing director at United Technologies' Carrier subsidiary. He has served as USGBC's President and CEO since 2004, and during the past 10 years, has led USGBC's efforts to establish green building as a global mainstream movement. USGBC's LEED green building rating program has been a cornerstone of Fedrizzi's far-reaching agenda. Since its launch in 2000, LEED has grown exponentially: more than 55,000 commercial projects spanning 10.1 billion square feet and more than 130,000 residential units around the world participate in LEED, with 1.7 million square feet of building space earning LEED certification every day.

"With the guidance of USGBC, LEED certification has fundamentally changed the way we build, and Rick's steadfast leadership has been at the core of growing the green building movement into what it is today," said Delos Founder Paul Scialla. "Rick's role on our Advisory Board will cement the close collaboration between USGBC and Delos, and give added weight to the linkages between green building and human health and wellness."

Since October 2011, Fedrizzi has also served as chair of the World Green Building Council, a coalition representing green building councils in 100 countries. In addition, Fedrizzi serves on numerous boards and advisory committees, including the Center for Health and the Global Environment at the Harvard School of Public Health and the American Architectural Foundation. His honors include the Charles H. Percy Award for Public Service from the Alliance to Save Energy, the Olmsted Award from the American Society of Landscape Architects, and the Arents Award from Syracuse University.

"Rick's leadership made USGBC the cornerstone of the global green building movement and created a marketplace that has benefitted everyone," said Jason F. McLennan, world renowned sustainable building expert and Delos Advisory Board member. "Wellness is the next frontier, and Rick's addition to the Delos' Advisory Board will ensure that wellness is deeply embedded in that movement."

Delos integrates the best of medical science and preventive healthcare to offer healthier built environments. First introduced in 2012, Delos' WELL Building Standard® focuses on enhancing human health and well-being through the built environment. A result of six years of development and collaboration with researchers and doctors from leading medical institutions, as well as with architects, engineers and contractors, the WELL Building Standard - which is currently in pilot - incorporates evidence-based wellness amenities into homes, offices and other built environments to enhance residents' health and well-being as an integral part of sustainable building practice. Certification for the WELL Building Standard is provided by the International WELL Building Institute, which is an independent for-benefit corporation. For more information or to request information about becoming a pilot project, visit

A longtime supporter of USGBC's green building efforts, Delos has designed WELL to work harmoniously with LEED. Early examples of this collaboration include the William Jefferson Clinton Children's Center, which was announced at the 2013 Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting by Fedrizzi. Named in honor of President Clinton, the children's center and orphanage in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, will be LEED Platinum and WELL certified.

Fedrizzi joins a distinguished panel of Delos advisors including Dr. Deepak Chopra, world renowned health and wellness expert; the Honorable Dick Gephardt, former House of Representatives Majority Leader; Senator Mel Martinez, R-Fla. and former Senator and HUD Secretary; Jason F. McLennan, world renowned sustainable building expert; Dr. Michael Roizen, chief wellness officer at Cleveland Clinic; Dr. Nicholas LaRusso, director of the Center for Innovation at Mayo Clinic; Sue Firestone, founder and chairman of Smith/Firestone Associates (sfa design); Dolly Lenz, former vice chairman of Prudential Douglas Elliman; and leading philanthropist, sustainability advocate and award-winning actor, Leonardo DiCaprio.

About Delos

A U.S.-based real estate developer, Delos® pioneered Wellness Real Estate TM, which incorporates amenities that enhance human health and well-being. In 2012, Delos introduced the WELL Building Standard®, the world's first evidence-based building standard focused on enhancing health and well-being through the built environment. Currently in pilot, the WELL certification is provided through the International WELL Building Institute. Delos designs include an array of innovative, built-in amenities that research suggests may improve occupant well-being including: cardiovascular, respiratory and sleep health, orthopedic health, weight and metabolism management, stress reduction, mood enhancement, cognition and memory enhancement, health literacy and health behavior motivation. More information on Delos and its Advisory Board is available at

Nike Communications
Callie Shumaker, 646-654-3438