Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of Dedalus Consulting Inc's new report "Hard & Superhard Materials: 2013-2018" to their offering.

This report analyzes the world market for hard and superhard materials by total consumption value, demand trends, end-user markets and applications.

Each product section contains detailed breakdowns including supplier sales and market share, consumption value and volume by region/product type, demand by application. Market trends and forecasts are provided for the years 2012-2018.

Key Topics Covered:

Section One: Industry Overview

1. Technology Overview

2. General Technology Trends

3. General Industry Trends

Section Two: Industrial Diamonds

1. Total World Demand

2. World Market by Type

3. Market Factors

Section Three: CBN/PCBN

1. Total World Demand

2. World Market by Type

3. Market Factors

Section Four: Ceramics

1. Total World Demand

2. World Market by Type

3. Market Factors

Section Five: Cemented Carbides

1. Total World Demand

2. World Market by Type

3. Market Factors

Section Six: Tool Steels

1. Total World Demand

2. World Market by Type

3. Market Factors

For more information visit

Source: Dedalus Consulting Inc

Research and Markets
Laura Wood, Senior Manager.
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Fax (outside U.S.): +353-1-481-1716
Sector: Process and Materials