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Clinton: ObamaCare Is Responsible For Businesses Shifting Workers To Part-Time. QUESTIONER: 'Hi, I just want to know why there is discrimination against the part-time workers when so many companies are going to part-time when it comes to FMLA?' HILLARY CLINTON: 'Well, that's why they are going to part-time. That, and also, the Affordable Care Act. You know, we got to change that because we have built in some unfortunate incentives that discourage full-time employment. A lot of employers believe if you don't work 40-hours a week you don't get benefits and that includes; you don't get health care benefits; that might include you're not eligible for the family medical leave; you're not eligible for paid sick days. So, there is a disincentive in our system that we need to deal with and I really worry about it because there is trend to try and move more and more people into part-time work; and how many of you are part-time workers? And sometimes you want to work part-time, it fits into your family, it fits into your life obligations but sometimes you want to work full-time but you can't get a full-time job. So, I want to look at all the employment rules.' (Hillary Clinton, Remarks At A Campaign Event, Iowa City, IA, 12/16/15)

But Clinton Has Long Been A Strong Supporter Of ObamaCare And Even Proposed An Even Harsher Employer Mandate During The 2008 Campaign

Hillary Clinton Has Praised ObamaCare And Its Impact On Families. 'More broadly, Clinton praised ObamaCare, saying it's helping families avoid bankruptcy and ensuring that 'women are no longer charged more solely because of our gender.'' (John McCormick, 'Hillary Clinton Open To GOP Obamacare Demand On Medical Devices,' Bloomberg, 10/9/14)

Clinton's Health Plan Mandated That Employers Provide Health Insurance Or Pay Into A National Fund. 'Many 2008 Democratic presidential candidates, most recently Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York, are embracing the notion of the so-called 'pay or play' insurance coverage mandate, which would require employers to provide health coverage to their employees or pay a tax into a national fund that would provide the coverage for them.' (Sara Lubbes, 'Perils And Pluses Of 'Play Or Pay' Insurance Mandates,' CQ HealthBeat News, 9/18/07)

  • Businesses That Employed More Than 25 Workers Would Have Been Subjected To The Employer Mandate. 'Require large employers to either cover their workers or else contribute to the costs of those coverage costs. Tax credits would be provided to encourage small businesses (those with fewer than 25 workers) to provide health insurance, but they would not be required to do so. Tax credits would also be provided to large employers with high retiree health care costs.' ('Clinton Sees Better Chances For Health Overhaul,' NPR, 9/18/07)

ObamaCare's Employer Mandate Has Forced Businesses To Reduce Hours, Stem Growth And Cost Hundreds Of Billions Of Dollars

'Yes, Some Companies Are Cutting Hours In Response To 'Obamacare.'' (Ben Casselman, 'Yes, Some Companies Are Cutting Hours In Response To 'Obamacare,'FiveThirtyEight, 1/13/15)

'ObamaCare Will Force A Reduction In American Work Hours - The Equivalent Of 2 Million Jobs Over The Next Decade.' 'ObamaCare will force a reduction in American work hours - the equivalent of 2 million jobs over the next decade, Congress's nonpartisan scorekeeper said Monday.' (Sarah Ferris, 'CBO: 2 Million Jobs' Worth Of Hours Lost Under Obamacare,' The Hill, 12/7/15)

In January 2016, ObamaCare's Employer Mandate Will Affect Businesses With 50 Or More Full-Time Employees, Forcing Them To Cover Employees Or Pay A $2,000 Penalty Per Employee. 'Starting in January, the Affordable Care Act requires businesses with 50 or more full-time-equivalent employees to offer workers health insurance or face penalties that can exceed $2,000 per employee.' (Melody Campbell, 'Health Care Law Forces Businesses To Consider Growth's Cost,' The New York Times , 11/18/15)

  • According To The Non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, ObamaCare's Employer Mandate Will Cost Businesses $167 Billion From 2016 To 2025. ('Budgetary And Economic Effects Of Repealing The Affordable Care Act,' Congressional Budget Office , 6/19/15)

ObamaCare's Employer Mandate Is Forcing Businesses To 'Weigh Very Carefully The Price Of Growing Bigger.' 'For some business owners on the edge of the cutoff, the mandate is forcing them to weigh very carefully the price of growing bigger. 'There's kind of a deer-in-headlights moment for those who say, 'I have this new potential client, but if I bring them on, I have to hire five additional people,' said Philip P. Noftsinger, the payroll unit president at CBIZ, a financial services provider for businesses. 'They're really trying to assess how much the 50th employee is going to cost.'' (Melody Campbell, 'Health Care Law Forces Businesses To Consider Growth's Cost,' The New York Times , 11/18/15)

ElectionsHillary Clinton

Republican Party issued this content on 2016-01-17 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 2016-01-17 19:19:08 UTC

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