STORY: :: Firefighters battle the 'Post Fire' northwest of

Los Angeles that has burned more than 14,000 acres

:: Lebec, California

:: June 15, 2024

:: LA County Fire Dept.

:: Captain Sheila Kelliher

LA County Fire Dept.

"We have two and a half years of unburned fuel in a lot of places because we haven't had a big major fire over the last couple of seasons. We've had 'em bumping up but not to this size. So there's a lot of unburned fuel out there and a lot of growth, and with the wind and the humidity, it's dried out already."


"So you can see our number one nemesis is wind and in Gorman, which is about 25 miles north of us or 20 minutes north of us, that wind is really whipping up there, even worse than it is right here. So that's really what is the biggest challenge for us right now. Again, the low relative humidity and the heat also make a difference on that. But we're sitting at 14,626 acres, 8 percent containment, that is better than yesterday when we were only at 2 percent."

:: Lebec, California

:: June 16, 2024

:: USDA Forest Service

Some 400 firefighters armed with 70 firetrucks and two bulldozers battled the Post fire over the weekend, which is currently 8% contained, according to LA County Fire Department. It is burning south of Gorman, California, about 60 miles (96.5 km) northwest of Los Angeles.