WARSAW, Jan 12 (Reuters) - University professor Przemyslaw Litwiniuk and former Deputy Finance Minister Ludwik Kotecki were appointed by the Senate on Wednesday as new members of Poland's Monetary Policy Council (MPC) to replace rate setters whose terms expire early this year.

Both were earlier recommended for seats on the MPC by the Senate's Budget and Finance Committee.

The terms of office of the two current MPC members appointed by the Senate -- Eugeniusz Gatnar and Jerzy Kropiwnicki -- expire on Jan. 25, while that of the third, Rafal Sura, ends in November.

The MPC's next rate-setting meeting will be held on Feb. 8. In January the MPC raised Poland's main interest rate by 50 basis points to 2.25%.

Earlier on Wednesday, ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party lawmaker Wieslaw Janczyk and economics professor Elzbieta Ostrowska were proposed as candidates for members of the MPC by the lower house of parliament. (Reporting by Anna Wlodarczak-Semczuk; Editing by Jonathan Oatis)